queryCondition === * 查询条件 @if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(examinationId)){ and t.examination_id =#examinationId# @} @if(!isEmpty(flowId)){ and t.flow_id =#flowId# @} @if(!isEmpty(instanceId)){ and t.instance_id =#instanceId# @} @if(!isEmpty(applyNo)){ and t.apply_no =#applyNo# @} @if(!isEmpty(applyStatus)){ and t.apply_status =#applyStatus# @} @if(!isEmpty(financingNo)){ and t.financing_no =#financingNo# @} @if(!isEmpty(financingStatus)){ and t.financing_status =#financingStatus# @} @if(!isEmpty(levyStatus)){ and t.levy_status =#levyStatus# @} @if(!isEmpty(buyerName)){ and t2.buyer_name like #'%'+buyerName+'%'# @} @if(!isEmpty(sellerName)){ and t2.seller_name like #'%'+sellerName+'%'# @} @if(!isEmpty(applyStatus)){ and t.apply_status like #'%'+applyStatus+'%'# @} queryByCondition === * 根据不为空的参数进行查询 不分页 select t.* from financings t where 1=1 #use("queryCondition")# pageQueryByCondition === * 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询 正向保理 select @pageTag(){ t.*, t2.buyer_name, t2.seller_name @} from financings t join contracts_purchase_sales t2 on t2.id = t.contract_id where 1=1 #use("queryCondition")# yszkPageQueryByCondition === * 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询 应收账款质押融资 select @pageTag(){ t.*, t2.buyer_name, t2.seller_name, t3.send_no, t4.credit_level seller_credit_level, t4.corporation seller_corporation, t4.telephone seller_telephone, t5.zy_contract_no @} from financings t join contracts_purchase_sales t2 on t2.id = t.contract_id join send_products t3 on t3.contract_id = t2.id join materials t4 on t4.id = t.seller_id left join contracts_pledge t5 on t5.financing_id = t.id where 1=1 #use("queryCondition")# @if(!isEmpty(step) && step == 12){ and t.apply_status = 2 @} @if(!isEmpty(step) && step == 14){ and t.apply_status = 2 and t.financing_status > 0 @} bdcPageQueryByCondition === * 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询 保兑仓 select @pageTag(){ t.*, t2.buyer_name, t2.seller_name, t3.express_name, t3.assure_amount, t4.credit_level buyer_credit_level, t4.corporation buyer_corporation, t4.telephone buyer_telephone @} from financings t join contracts_purchase_sales t2 on t2.id = t.contract_id left join assure t3 on t3.financing_id = t.id join materials t4 on t4.id = t.buyer_id where 1=1 #use("queryCondition")# @if(!isEmpty(step) && (step == 9 || step == 12)){ and t.apply_status != 0 @} @if(!isEmpty(financingStatusGreater)){ and t.financing_status > #financingStatusGreater# @} chzyPageQueryByCondition === * 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询 存货质押 select @pageTag(){ t.*, (t.fk_amount + t.interest_amount - t.repayment_amount) financing_amount, t2.express_id, t2.express_name, t3.send_no, t4.telephone seller_telephone, t4.corporation seller_corporation @} from financings t join protocols t2 on t2.id = t.protocol_id join send_products t3 on t3.protocol_id = t2.id join materials t4 on t4.id = t.seller_id where 1=1 @if(!isEmpty(examinationId)){ and t.examination_id =#examinationId# @} @if(!isEmpty(flowId)){ and t.flow_id =#flowId# @} @if(!isEmpty(instanceId)){ and t.instance_id =#instanceId# @} @if(!isEmpty(sellerName)){ and t.seller_name like #'%'+sellerName+'%'# @} @if(!isEmpty(step) && step == 9){ and t.apply_status = 2 @} @if(!isEmpty(step) && step == 16){ and t.apply_status = 2 and t.financing_status > 0 @} zxblPageQueryByCondition === * 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询 正向保理申请 select @pageTag(){ t.*, t2.send_no, t2.buyer_id, t2.buyer_name @} from financings t join send_products t2 on t2.contract_id = t.contract_id where 1=1 #use("queryCondition")# zxblFinancingLoans === * 正向保理融资放款分页查询 select @pageTag(){ t.*, t4.telephone seller_telephone, t4.corporation seller_corporation, t2.bl_contract_no @} from financings t join contracts_factoring t2 on t2.accept_no = t.accept_no join yszk_transfer t3 on t3.bl_contract_no = t2.bl_contract_no join materials t4 on t4.id = t.seller_id where t3.transfer_status > 2 #use("queryCondition")# fxblPageQueryByCondition === * 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询 反向保理 select @pageTag(){ t.*, t2.buyer_name, t2.seller_name, t3.yfzk_amount @} from financings t join contracts_purchase_sales t2 on t2.id = t.contract_id join recommend_supplier t3 on t3.contract_id = t.contract_id where 1=1 #use("queryCondition")# zxblApplyList === * 正向保理 可以签订保理合同的融资申请 select t.* from financings t left join contracts_factoring t2 on t2.accept_no = t.accept_no where t2.accept_no is null #use("queryCondition")# repaymentFinancingNoList === * 需要还款的融资列表 select t.financing_no from financings t where t.financing_status != 9 and apply_status = 2 #use("queryCondition")# getDetailByBlContranctNo === * 根据保理合同编号获取融资信息 select t.*, t3.buyer_id, t3.buyer_name, t3.contract_time, t4.telephone seller_telephone, t4.corporation seller_corporation, t5.telephone buyer_telephone, t5.corporation buyer_corporation, t5.address buyer_address from financings t join contracts_factoring t2 on t2.accept_no = t.accept_no join contracts_purchase_sales t3 on t.contract_id = t3.id join materials t4 on t4.id = t.seller_id join materials t5 on t5.id = t3.buyer_id where t2.bl_contract_no =#blContractNo# getDetailByFinancingNo === * 根据贷款编号获取融资信息 select t.*, t3.buyer_id, t3.buyer_name, t3.contract_time, t4.telephone buyer_telephone, t4.corporation buyer_corporation from financings t join contracts_purchase_sales t3 on t.contract_id = t3.id join materials t4 on t4.id = t3.buyer_id where t.financing_no =#financingNo# getChzyDetailByFinancingNo === * 根据贷款编号获取融资信息 select t.*, t3.in_warehouse_end_time, t4.telephone seller_telephone, t4.corporation seller_corporation from financings t join warehouse_receipt t3 on t3.protocol_id = t.protocol_id join materials t4 on t4.id = t.seller_id where t.financing_no =#financingNo# getFxblDetailByFinancingNo === * 根据贷款编号获取融资信息 反向保理 select t.*, t2.bl_contract_time, t3.buyer_id, t3.buyer_name, t3.contract_time, t4.telephone buyer_telephone, t4.corporation buyer_corporation, t5.yfzk_amount from financings t join contracts_factoring t2 on t2.contract_id = t.contract_id join contracts_purchase_sales t3 on t.contract_id = t3.id join materials t4 on t4.id = t3.buyer_id left join recommend_supplier t5 on t5.contract_id = t.contract_id where t.financing_no =#financingNo# getNewBankAcceptanceBillFinancingList === * 可以新增银行承兑汇票的融资数据列表 select t.id, t.financing_no, t.apply_amount, t.accept_no, t.bank_id, t.bank_name, t3.contract_amount, t3.contract_no, t3.buyer_id, t3.buyer_name, t3.seller_id, t3.seller_name from financings t left join bank_acceptance_bill t2 on t.id = t2.financing_id join contracts_purchase_sales t3 on t3.id = t.contract_id where t2.financing_id is null and t.apply_status = 2 #use("queryCondition")# getNewBankAcceptanceBillFinancingDetail === * 可以新增银行承兑汇票的融资数据详情 select t.id, t.financing_no, t.apply_amount, t.accept_no, t.financing_start_time, t.financing_end_time, t.bank_id, t.bank_name, t3.contract_amount, t3.contract_no, t3.id contract_id, t3.buyer_id, t3.buyer_name, t3.seller_id, t3.seller_name, t4.corporation buyer_corporation, t4.account buyer_account, t5.address bank_address, t6.account seller_account, TRIM(both '"' from JSON_EXTRACT(t6.data, '$.bank.name')) seller_bank_name from financings t join contracts_purchase_sales t3 on t3.id = t.contract_id join materials t4 on t4.id = t3.buyer_id join materials t5 on t5.id = t.bank_id join materials t6 on t6.id = t3.seller_id where t.id = #financingId# updateRepaymentAmount === * 修改已还金额 update financings set repayment_amount = #repaymentAmount# , financing_status = #financingStatus# where financing_no = #financingNo# deleteFinancingsByIds === * 批量删除 delete from financings where find_in_set(id,#ids#)