queryCondition === * 查询条件 @if(!isEmpty(examinationId)){ and t.examination_id =#examinationId# @} @if(!isEmpty(flowId)){ and t.flow_id =#flowId# @} @ if(!isEmpty(sellerName)){ and t2.seller_name like #'%'+sellerName+'%'# @} pageQueryByCondition === * 分页查询 select @pageTag(){ t.id, t.bl_contract_no,t.transfer_status, t.instance_id, t.buyer_confirm, t2.seller_name, t2.bank_name, t2.seller_id, t2.bank_id, t2.accept_no, t3.contract_amount, t3.accept_amount, t3.yfzk_amount, t3.contract_id, t3.financing_start_time, t4.buyer_name, t4.buyer_id, t4.contract_no @} from yszk_transfer t join contracts_factoring t2 on t.bl_contract_no = t2.bl_contract_no join financings t3 on t3.accept_no = t2.accept_no join contracts_purchase_sales t4 on t4.id = t3.contract_id where 1 = 1 #use("queryCondition")# queryByCondition === * 不分页查询 select t.* from yszk_transfer t where 1 = 1 #use("queryCondition")# submitApplication === * 卖方提交申请 update yszk_transfer set transfer_status = 1, seller_confirm= 1 where transfer_status = 0 and id in (#join(ids)#)