queryByCondition === * 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询 select @pageTag(){ t.* @} from schools t where 1=1 @//数据权限,该sql语句功能点,如果不考虑数据权限,可以删除此行 and #function("schools.query")# @if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(name)){ and t.name =#name# @} @if(!isEmpty(status)){ and t.status =#status# @} @if(!isEmpty(description)){ and t.description =#description# @} @if(!isEmpty(code)){ and t.code =#code# @} @if(!isEmpty(college)){ and t.college =#college# @} @if(!isEmpty(major)){ and t.major =#major# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreOrgId)){ and t.core_org_id =#coreOrgId# @} deleteSchoolsByIds === * 批量删除 delete from schools where find_in_set(id,#ids#) getSchoolsValues === * 根据不为空的参数进行查询 select t.* from schools t where 1=1 @if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(name)){ and t.name =#name# @} @if(!isEmpty(status)){ and t.status =#status# @} @if(!isEmpty(description)){ and t.description =#description# @} @if(!isEmpty(code)){ and t.code =#code# @} @if(!isEmpty(college)){ and t.college =#college# @} @if(!isEmpty(major)){ and t.major =#major# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreOrgId)){ and t.core_org_id =#coreOrgId# @} getValuesByQuery === * 根据不为空的参数进行查询 select t.* from schools t where 1=1 @if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(name)){ and t.name =#name# @} @if(!isEmpty(status)){ and t.status =#status# @} @if(!isEmpty(description)){ and t.description =#description# @} @if(!isEmpty(code)){ and t.code =#code# @} @if(!isEmpty(college)){ and t.college =#college# @} @if(!isEmpty(major)){ and t.major =#major# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreOrgId)){ and t.core_org_id =#coreOrgId# @}