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分页查查询学生信息 团队搜索学生接口 SELECT @pageTag(){ u.id,u.username,u.student_no,u.sex @} FROM users u WHERE u.type = 4 AND u.class_id = #users.classId#
AND u.id <> #users.id# @if(!isEmpty(teamUsersids)){ AND u.id in (#join(teamUsersids)#) @} @if(!isEmpty(teamsQuery.username)){ AND (u.username LIKE #'%'+teamsQuery.username+'%'# OR u.student_no LIKE #'%'+teamsQuery.username+'%'#) @}
select @pageTag(){ t.* @} from users t where 1=1
and #function("users.query")# @if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(deletedAt)){ and t.deleted_at =#deletedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(exUserId)){ and t.ex_user_id =#exUserId# @} @if(!isEmpty(classId)){ and t.class_id =#classId# @} @if(!isEmpty(type)){ and t.type =#type# @} @if(!isEmpty(sex)){ and t.sex =#sex# @} @if(!isEmpty(username)){ and t.username =#username# @} @if(!isEmpty(password)){ and t.password =#password# @} @if(!isEmpty(studentNo)){ and t.student_no =#studentNo# @} @if(!isEmpty(nickname)){ and t.nickname =#nickname# @} @if(!isEmpty(initBalance)){ and t.init_balance =#initBalance# @} @if(!isEmpty(balance)){ and t.balance =#balance# @} @if(!isEmpty(productAssets)){ and t.product_assets =#productAssets# @} @if(!isEmpty(totalAssets)){ and t.total_assets =#totalAssets# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreUserId)){ and t.core_user_id =#coreUserId# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreOrgId)){ and t.core_org_id =#coreOrgId# @}
delete from users where find_in_set(id,#ids#)
select t.* from users t where 1=1
@if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(deletedAt)){ and t.deleted_at =#deletedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(exUserId)){ and t.ex_user_id =#exUserId# @} @if(!isEmpty(classId)){ and t.class_id =#classId# @} @if(!isEmpty(type)){ and t.type =#type# @} @if(!isEmpty(sex)){ and t.sex =#sex# @} @if(!isEmpty(username)){ and t.username =#username# @} @if(!isEmpty(password)){ and t.password =#password# @} @if(!isEmpty(studentNo)){ and t.student_no =#studentNo# @} @if(!isEmpty(nickname)){ and t.nickname =#nickname# @} @if(!isEmpty(initBalance)){ and t.init_balance =#initBalance# @} @if(!isEmpty(balance)){ and t.balance =#balance# @} @if(!isEmpty(productAssets)){ and t.product_assets =#productAssets# @} @if(!isEmpty(totalAssets)){ and t.total_assets =#totalAssets# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreUserId)){ and t.core_user_id =#coreUserId# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreOrgId)){ and t.core_org_id =#coreOrgId# @}
select t.* from users t where 1=1
@if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(deletedAt)){ and t.deleted_at =#deletedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(exUserId)){ and t.ex_user_id =#exUserId# @} @if(!isEmpty(classId)){ and t.class_id =#classId# @} @if(!isEmpty(type)){ and t.type =#type# @} @if(!isEmpty(sex)){ and t.sex =#sex# @} @if(!isEmpty(username)){ and t.username =#username# @} @if(!isEmpty(password)){ and t.password =#password# @} @if(!isEmpty(studentNo)){ and t.student_no =#studentNo# @} @if(!isEmpty(nickname)){ and t.nickname =#nickname# @} @if(!isEmpty(initBalance)){ and t.init_balance =#initBalance# @} @if(!isEmpty(balance)){ and t.balance =#balance# @} @if(!isEmpty(productAssets)){ and t.product_assets =#productAssets# @} @if(!isEmpty(totalAssets)){ and t.total_assets =#totalAssets# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreUserId)){ and t.core_user_id =#coreUserId# @} @if(!isEmpty(coreOrgId)){ and t.core_org_id =#coreOrgId# @}
select u.id as user_id,
u.nickname as name,
u.username as username,
cr.NAME as typeName,
s.name as school,
from users u
left join classes c on u.class_id = c.id
left join schools s on c.school_id = s.id
left join core_user cu on u.core_user_id = cu.ID
left join core_user_role cur on cu.ID = cur.USER_ID
left join core_role cr on cr.ID = cur.ROLE_ID
where u.username = #username# and u.password = #password#
select * from users where id = #id#