5.8 KiB


  • 判断是否已经有团队,用于是否可以创建团队 SELECT count(*) FROM teams WHERE teams.examination_id = #teamsQuery.examinationId# AND teams.examination_id IS NOT NULL AND class_id = #classId# AND end_time > now() AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM users INNER JOIN user_teams ON users.id = user_teams.user_id WHERE teams.id = user_teams.team_id AND user_id = #id# ) AND teams.deleted_at IS NULL


  • 获取团队列表 SELECT @pageTag(){ * @} FROM teams WHERE teams.examination_id = #teamsQuery.examinationId# AND class_id = #users.classId# AND end_time > now() AND teams.deleted_at IS NULL ORDER BY end_time DESC


  • 判断团队成员是否加入其它团队 SELECT count(*) FROM teams WHERE teams.examination_id = #examinationId# AND teams.examination_id IS NOT NULL AND class_id = #users.classId# AND end_time > #endTime# AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM users INNER JOIN user_teams ON users.id = user_teams.user_id WHERE teams.id = user_teams.team_id AND user_id IN ( #users.id# )) AND teams.deleted_at IS NULL


  • 判断是否有团队存在 SELECT count(*) FROM teams t WHERE t.leader_id=#id# AND t.flow_id=#editTeamVO.flowId# AND t.examination_id=#editTeamVO.examinationId# AND t.end_time >= now()


  • 获取符合条件的第一条数据 SELECT * FROM teams ts WHERE ts.name=#name# and ts.flow_id = #flowId# LIMIT 0,1;


  • 获取用户角色的组 SELECT * FROM teams WHERE examination_id = #examinations.id# AND flow_id = #examinations.flowId# AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM users INNER JOIN user_teams ON users.id = user_teams.user_id WHERE teams.id = user_teams.team_id AND user_id = #id# ) AND teams.deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 0,1


  • 获取个人练习模式下的数据

    SELECT * FROM teams ts LEFT JOIN user_teams us ON ts.id = us.team_id WHERE ts.end_time > now() @if(teamId==1){ AND ts.id = #teamId# @} @if(teamId==0){ AND ts.examination_id = #examinations.id# @} AND us.user_id = #id#


  • 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询

    select @pageTag(){ t.* @} from teams t where 1=1
    and #function("teams.query")# @if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(deletedAt)){ and t.deleted_at =#deletedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(name)){ and t.name =#name# @} @if(!isEmpty(creatorId)){ and t.creator_id =#creatorId# @} @if(!isEmpty(leaderId)){ and t.leader_id =#leaderId# @} @if(!isEmpty(endTime)){ and t.end_time =#endTime# @} @if(!isEmpty(classId)){ and t.class_id =#classId# @} @if(!isEmpty(flowId)){ and t.flow_id =#flowId# @} @if(!isEmpty(status)){ and t.status =#status# @} @if(!isEmpty(examinationId)){ and t.examination_id =#examinationId# @}


  • 批量删除

    delete from teams where find_in_set(id,#ids#)


  • 根据不为空的参数进行查询

    select t.* from teams t where 1=1
    @if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(deletedAt)){ and t.deleted_at =#deletedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(name)){ and t.name =#name# @} @if(!isEmpty(creatorId)){ and t.creator_id =#creatorId# @} @if(!isEmpty(leaderId)){ and t.leader_id =#leaderId# @} @if(!isEmpty(endTime)){ and t.end_time =#endTime# @} @if(!isEmpty(classId)){ and t.class_id =#classId# @} @if(!isEmpty(flowId)){ and t.flow_id =#flowId# @} @if(!isEmpty(status)){ and t.status =#status# @} @if(!isEmpty(examinationId)){ and t.examination_id =#examinationId# @}


  • 根据不为空的参数进行查询

    select t.* from teams t where 1=1
    @if(!isEmpty(id)){ and t.id =#id# @} @if(!isEmpty(createdAt)){ and t.created_at =#createdAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(updatedAt)){ and t.updated_at =#updatedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(deletedAt)){ and t.deleted_at =#deletedAt# @} @if(!isEmpty(data)){ and t.data =#data# @} @if(!isEmpty(name)){ and t.name =#name# @} @if(!isEmpty(creatorId)){ and t.creator_id =#creatorId# @} @if(!isEmpty(leaderId)){ and t.leader_id =#leaderId# @} @if(!isEmpty(endTime)){ and t.end_time =#endTime# @} @if(!isEmpty(classId)){ and t.class_id =#classId# @} @if(!isEmpty(flowId)){ and t.flow_id =#flowId# @} @if(!isEmpty(status)){ and t.status =#status# @} @if(!isEmpty(examinationId)){ and t.examination_id =#examinationId# @}