@ -409,7 +409,8 @@
role_id,create_time,school_id,school_name,status) VALUES
<foreach collection="list" item="student" separator=",">
(#{student.userid}, #{student.name}, #{student.studentId}, #{student.classId}, #{student.username},
#{student.password}, #{student.phone}, #{student.email},#{student.major},#{student.zyUserid},#{student.systemOnwer},#{student.roleId},
#{student.password}, #{student.phone},
@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
u.role_id = 4
AND u.school_id = #{schoolId}
<if test="keyWord != null and keyWord!=''">
AND (u.name = #{keyWord} OR u.student_id = #{keyWord})
AND student_id like CONCAT ('%',#{keyWord},'%') or name like CONCAT ('%',#{keyWord},'%')
<if test="classId != null and classId !=''">
AND u.class_id = #{classId}
@ -476,5 +477,22 @@
)GROUP BY class_id ) AS subquery;
<select id="getByNameAndStudentID" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
FROM stu_userinfo
system_onwer =#{systemOwner}
and role_id = 4
<if test="classId != null and classId != ''">
class_id = #{classId}
<if test="schoolId != null and schoolId != ''">
AND school_id = #{schoolId}
<if test="keyWord != null and keyWord != ''">
AND student_id like CONCAT ('%',#{keyWord},'%') or name like CONCAT ('%',#{keyWord},'%')