* 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询
from resources_info t
left join course_info a on a.course_info_id = t.course_info_id
where 1=1
and #function("resourcesInfo.query")#
and find_in_set(t.resources_info_id,#resourcesInfoIds#)
and t.resources_info_id =#resourcesInfoId#
and find_in_set(t.course_info_id,#courseInfoIds#)
and t.course_info_id =#courseInfoId#
and t.resources_info_name like #'%'+resourcesInfoName+'%'#
and t.resources_info_type =#resourcesInfoType#
and t.resources_info_content =#resourcesInfoContent#
and t.org_id =#orgId#
and (find_in_set(ifnull(t.org_id, 1), #orgIdPlural#))
and a.course_info_full_id like #courseInfoFullId+"%"#
and t.add_type =#addType#
@if(isEmpty(seeSelf) && !isEmpty(userId)){
and t.user_id =#userId#
@if(!isEmpty(seeSelf) && seeSelf && !isEmpty(userId)){
and (t.add_type = 'ADMIN_ADD' or t.user_id = #userId#)
and a.course_info_full_id like #courseInfoId_1 + '%'#
@} else if(!isEmpty(courseInfoId_2)){
and a.course_info_full_id like #courseInfoId_1 + '_' + courseInfoId_2 + '%'#
@} else if(!isEmpty(courseInfoId_3)){
and a.course_info_full_id like #courseInfoId_1 + '_' + courseInfoId_2 + '_' + courseInfoId_3 + '%'#
ORDER BY t.resources_info_id DESC
* 批量删除
delete from resources_info where find_in_set(resources_info_id,#ids#)
* 根据不为空的参数进行查询
select t.*
from resources_info t
left join course_info a on a.course_info_id = t.course_info_id
where 1=1
and find_in_set(t.resources_info_id,#resourcesInfoIds#)
and t.resources_info_id =#resourcesInfoId#
and find_in_set(t.course_info_id,#courseInfoIds#)
and t.course_info_id =#courseInfoId#
and t.resources_info_name =#resourcesInfoName#
and t.resources_info_type =#resourcesInfoType#
and t.resources_info_content =#resourcesInfoContent#
and t.org_id =#orgId#
and t.add_type =#addType#
and a.course_info_full_id like #courseInfoFullId+"%"#
@if(isEmpty(seeSelf) && !isEmpty(userId)){
and t.user_id =#userId#
@if(!isEmpty(seeSelf) && seeSelf && !isEmpty(userId)){
and (t.add_type = 'ADMIN_ADD' or t.user_id = #userId#)
* 根据不为空的参数进行查询
select t.*
from resources_info t
where 1=1
and t.resources_info_id =#resourcesInfoId#
and t.course_info_id =#courseInfoId#
and t.resources_info_name =#resourcesInfoName#
and t.resources_info_type =#resourcesInfoType#
and t.resources_info_content =#resourcesInfoContent#
and t.org_id =#orgId#
and t.add_type =#addType#
and t.user_id =#userId#