diff --git a/web/src/main/resources/sql/jlw/generalResourcesQuestionSnapshot.md b/web/src/main/resources/sql/jlw/generalResourcesQuestionSnapshot.md index b6d143d6..a9a521e7 100644 --- a/web/src/main/resources/sql/jlw/generalResourcesQuestionSnapshot.md +++ b/web/src/main/resources/sql/jlw/generalResourcesQuestionSnapshot.md @@ -929,83 +929,10 @@ getQuestionTestSimpleInfo AND t.general_question_setting_push_status = 1 AND t.general_question_setting_status = 1 AND t.general_question_setting_type = #generalQuestionSettingType# - AND t.general_id = #teacherOpenCourseId# + AND t.business_type = 'FROM_SYSTEM' + AND t.business_id in (select ba.course_info_id from course_info ba where ba.course_info_parent_id = #courseInfoParentId#) @pageIgnoreTag() { ORDER BY t.general_question_setting_name ASC @} - -questionTestResults -=== -* 教师端-题目的练习详情 - SELECT - @pageTag(){ - z.* - @} - FROM - (SELECT - t.student_id, - t.student_sn, - t.student_name, - th.class_name, - @ // 完成用时 - max(TIMEDIFF( te.general_question_log_update_time , te.general_question_log_add_time )) AS finish_time, - @ // 题目总数 - count(td.general_resources_question_snapshot_id) AS question_total_count, - @ // 正确的题数 - count(case when te.question_score > 0 then 1 else 0 end) AS correct_count, - @ // 错误的题数 - count(case when te.question_score = 0 then 1 else 0 end) AS wrong_count, - @ // 正确率 100为最大值 - count(case when te.question_score > 0 then 1 else 0 end) - / IF(count(td.general_resources_question_snapshot_id) = 0,1, count(td.general_resources_question_snapshot_id)) * 100 AS correct_rate, - @ // 该学生的总得分 - sum(IFNULL(te.question_score, 0)) AS total_score - FROM - student t - LEFT JOIN general_merge_student tc ON tc.student_id = t.student_id - LEFT JOIN teacher_open_course ta ON ta.business_id = tc.business_id - LEFT JOIN general_question_setting tb ON tb.business_id = ta.business_id - LEFT JOIN general_resources_question_snapshot td ON td.general_question_setting_id = tb.general_question_setting_id - LEFT JOIN general_question_log te ON te.general_question_setting_id = tb.general_question_setting_id - LEFT JOIN school_class th ON th.class_id = t.class_id - @if(!isEmpty(schoolClassIds)) { - LEFT JOIN school_class ti ON ti.business_id = ta.business_id - @} - @if(!isEmpty(courseInfoId)) { - LEFT JOIN course_info tj ON tj.business_id = ta.business_id - @} - WHERE - 1 = 1 - AND ta.general_status = 1 - AND tb.general_question_setting_status = 1 - AND tc.general_school_class_merge_student_status = 1 - AND td.question_status = 1 - AND te.general_question_log_status = 1 - AND th.class_status = 1 - @if(!isEmpty(schoolClassIds)) { - AND ti.school_class_status = 1 - @} - @if(!isEmpty(courseInfoId)) { - AND tj.course_info_status = 1 - @} - @ // 开课关联的班级ID - @if(!isEmpty(schoolClassIds)) { - AND FIND_IN_SET(ti.school_class_id, #schoolClassIds#) - @} - @if(!isEmpty(studentSnOrStudentName)) { - AND CONCAT( t.student_sn, t.student_name ) LIKE #'%' + studentSnOrStudentName + '%'# - @} - @if(!isEmpty(courseInfoId)) { - AND tj.course_info_id = #courseInfoId# - @} - @if(!isEmpty(generalQuestionSettingId)) { - AND tb.general_question_setting_id = #generalQuestionSettingId# - @} - GROUP BY - t.student_id, - t.student_sn, - t.student_name, - th.class_name - ) z \ No newline at end of file