@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class TeacherOpenCourseQuestionSetting extends BaseEntity {
private int questionCount;
// 平均答对数量
@FetchSql("select sum(t.student_score > 0) / if(count(DISTINCT(t.student_id)) =0, 1, count(DISTINCT(t.student_id))) \n" +
@FetchSql("select sum( ifnull(t.student_score, 0) > 0) / count(DISTINCT(t.student_id)) \n" +
"from teacher_open_course_question_log t \n" +
"where t.teacher_open_course_question_log_status = 1 and t.question_log_add_type = 'FINALLY_SUBMIT' " +
" AND t.teacher_open_course_question_setting_id = #teacherOpenCourseQuestionSettingId# ")
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public class TeacherOpenCourseQuestionSetting extends BaseEntity {
private Integer avgSuccessCount;
// 平均答错数量
@FetchSql("select sum(t.student_score = 0) / if(count(DISTINCT(t.student_id)) =0, 1, count(DISTINCT(t.student_id))) \n" +
@FetchSql("select sum( ifnull(t.student_score, 0) <= 0) / count(DISTINCT(t.student_id)) \n" +
"from teacher_open_course_question_log t \n" +
"where t.teacher_open_course_question_log_status = 1 and t.question_log_add_type = 'FINALLY_SUBMIT' " +
" AND t.teacher_open_course_question_setting_id = #teacherOpenCourseQuestionSettingId# ")
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public class TeacherOpenCourseQuestionSetting extends BaseEntity {
private float avgSuccessRate;
// 平均得分
@FetchSql("select sum(t.student_score) / if(count(DISTINCT(t.student_id)) =0, 1, count(DISTINCT(t.student_id))) \n" +
@FetchSql("select ifnull(sum(t.student_score) / count(DISTINCT(t.student_id), 0) \n" +
"from teacher_open_course_question_log t \n" +
"where t.teacher_open_course_question_log_status = 1 and t.question_log_add_type = 'FINALLY_SUBMIT' " +
" AND t.teacher_open_course_question_setting_id = #teacherOpenCourseQuestionSettingId# ")
@ -228,25 +228,36 @@ public class TeacherOpenCourseQuestionSetting extends BaseEntity {
private String resourcesQuestionIdPlural;
* 用时(秒)
@FetchSql("select max(ifnull(t.teacher_open_course_question_log_finish_time , 0)) from teacher_open_course_question_log t " +
"where t.teacher_open_course_question_setting_id = #teacherOpenCourseQuestionSettingId# " +
"and t.teacher_open_course_question_log_status = 1 and t.question_log_add_type = 'FINALLY_SUBMIT'")
private String finishTime;
* 我的得分
@FetchSql("select round(sum(ifnull(t.student_score , 0)), 1) from teacher_open_course_question_log t " +
"where t.teacher_open_course_question_setting_id = #teacherOpenCourseQuestionSettingId# " +
"and t.teacher_open_course_question_log_status = 1 and t.question_log_add_type = 'FINALLY_SUBMIT' ")
private String myScore;
// TODO 下面这些查询在这里不合适
// /**
// * 用时(秒)
// */
// @UpdateIgnore
// @InsertIgnore
// @FetchSql("select max(TIMEDIFF( t.general_question_log_update_time , t.general_question_log_add_time )) as finish_time " +
// " from teacher_open_course_question_log t " +
// "where t.teacher_open_course_question_setting_id = #teacherOpenCourseQuestionSettingId# " +
// "and t.teacher_open_course_question_log_status = 1 and t.question_log_add_type = 'FINALLY_SUBMIT'")
// private Long finishTime;
// /**
// * 用时(秒)时间显示
// */
// @UpdateIgnore
// @InsertIgnore
// @FetchSql("select max(ifnull(t.teacher_open_course_question_log_finish_time , 0)) from teacher_open_course_question_log t " +
// "where t.teacher_open_course_question_setting_id = #teacherOpenCourseQuestionSettingId# " +
// "and t.teacher_open_course_question_log_status = 1 and t.question_log_add_type = 'FINALLY_SUBMIT'")
// private String finishSecondTime;
// /**
// * 我的得分
// */
// @UpdateIgnore
// @InsertIgnore
// @FetchSql("select round(sum(ifnull(t.student_score , 0)), 1) from teacher_open_course_question_log t " +
// "where t.teacher_open_course_question_setting_id = #teacherOpenCourseQuestionSettingId# " +
// "and t.teacher_open_course_question_log_status = 1 and t.question_log_add_type = 'FINALLY_SUBMIT' ")
// private String myScore;
public void setAvgSuccessCount(Integer avgSuccessCount) {
this.avgSuccessCount = avgSuccessCount;