You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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layui.define(['form', 'laydate', 'table'], function (exports) {
var form = layui.form;
var laydate = layui.laydate;
var table = layui.table;
var resourcesQuestionTable = null;
var isAdmin = $("#isAdmin").val() === "true"?true:false;
var view = {
init: function () {
window.dataReload = function () {
Lib.doSearchForm($("#searchForm"), resourcesQuestionTable)
initTable: function () {
resourcesQuestionTable = table.render({
elem: '#resourcesQuestionTable',
height: Lib.getTableHeight(),
cellMinWidth: 100,
method: 'post',
even: true,
size: "lg",
url: Common.ctxPath + '/jlw/resourcesQuestion/testItemManageList.json' // 数据接口
, page: Lib.tablePage // 开启分页
, limit: 10,
cols: [[ // 表头
type: 'checkbox', align: "center"
field: 'questionStem', width: 320,
title: '题干', align: "center"
field: 'questionType', align: "center", width: 80,
title: '题型', templet: function (d) {//(1单选 2多选 3判断 4填空 5分析)
return d.questionType == 1 ? '单选' : d.questionType == 2 ? '多选' : d.questionType == 3 ? '判断' : '-';
field: 'courseInfoParentName',
title: '归属课程', align: "center"
field: 'courseInfoName',
title: '归属章节', align: "center"
field: 'addTypeText',
title: '题库来源', align: "center"
field: 'orgIdText',
title: '上传院校', align: "center"
field: 'questionStatus', width: 80,
title: '状态', align: "center", templet: function (d) {
return d.questionStatus === 1
? '<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green" style="background-color: #abd5ff !important; color: #088eed!important">已上架</span>'
: '<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-gray" style="background-color: #dadada !important; color: #6c6c6c!important">已下架</span>'
field: 'userId', title: '操作', align: "center", width: 220, style:"text-align: left", templet: function (d) {
let htm = "";
/*if((d.sourceType == '2' && isAdmin) || (d.sourceType == '1' && !isAdmin)){
htm +='<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="up" data-item="${JSON.stringify(d)}" >上架</a>\n'
+'<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="down" data-item="${JSON.stringify(d)}" style="color: #bebebe!important">下架</a>'
+'<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="edit">编辑</a>\n'
+'<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="del">删除</a>';
htm += '<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="edit">查看</a>';
if((d.addType == 'ADMIN_ADD' && isAdmin)){
htm +='<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="up" data-item="${JSON.stringify(d)}" >上架</a>\n'
+'<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="down" data-item="${JSON.stringify(d)}" style="color: #bebebe!important">下架</a>'
+'<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="edit">编辑</a>\n'
+'<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="del">删除</a>';
}else if((d.addType == 'ADMIN_ADD' && !isAdmin)){
htm += '<a class="layui-table-link" lay-event="edit">查看</a>';
// TODO 上下架前端逻辑待开发
return htm;
table.on('checkbox(resourcesQuestionTable)', function (obj) {
var resourcesQuestion =;
if (obj.checked) {
} else {
initSearchForm: function () {
Lib.initSearchForm($("#searchForm"), resourcesQuestionTable, form);
initToolBar: function () {
toolbar = {
add: function () { // 获取选中数据
var url = "/jlw/resourcesQuestion/";
Common.openDlg(url, "题库管理/新增题目");
refresh: function () {//刷新
Lib.doSearchForm($("#searchForm"), resourcesQuestionTable, 1);
up: function () {
var data = Common.getMoreDataFromTable(table, "handsOnTable");
var ids = Common.concatBatchId(data, "handsOnId");
upDrown(1, data.resourcesQuestionId,data.sourceType);
down: function () {
var data = Common.getMoreDataFromTable(table, "handsOnTable");
var ids = Common.concatBatchId(data, "handsOnId");
upDrown(2, data.resourcesQuestionId,data.sourceType);
search: function () {
Lib.doSearchForm($("#searchForm"), resourcesQuestionTable, 1);
}, import: function () {
var url = "/jlw/resourcesQuestion/";
Common.openDlg(url, "");
}, allDel: function () {
var checkStatus = table.checkStatus('resourcesQuestionTable').data;
if (checkStatus.length <= 0) {
layer.msg("请选择需要删除的题目!", {
offset: ['50%'],
icon: 2,
time: 2000 //2秒关闭如果不配置默认是3秒
var ids = "";
for (var i = 0; i < checkStatus.length; i++) {
ids += checkStatus[i].resourcesQuestionId;
if (i < checkStatus.length - 1) {
ids += ",";
}, chapter: function () { //批量章节调整
$("select[name='courseInfoId_1'],select[name='courseInfoId_2']").html("<option value=\"\">请选择</option>");
type: 1,
offset: 'auto',
title: '批量章节调整',
shadeClose: 'true',
area: ['800px', '300px'],
scrollbar: 'false',
btnAlign: 'c',
content: $("#chapter_dialog"),
btn: ['确定', '取消'],
yes: function (index, layero) {
var oldCourseInfoId = $("#chapter_dialog select[name='courseInfoId_1']").val(),
newCourseInfoId = $("#chapter_dialog select[name='courseInfoId_2']").val();
if ($.isEmpty(oldCourseInfoId)) {
layer.msg("请选择题目来源章节!", {
offset: ['50%'],
icon: 2,
time: 1500 //2秒关闭如果不配置默认是3秒
if ($.isEmpty(newCourseInfoId)) {
layer.msg("请选择题去向源章节!", {
offset: ['50%'],
icon: 2,
time: 1500 //2秒关闭如果不配置默认是3秒
layer.confirm('是否确定调整该章节信息?', function (index1) {
setTimeout(function () {
var ret = Common.postAjax("/jlw/resourcesQuestion/changAll.json", {
oldCourseInfoId: oldCourseInfoId,
newCourseInfoId: newCourseInfoId
layer.msg(ret.msg, {
offset: ['50%'],
icon: ret.code == 0 ? 1 : 2,
time: 1500 //2秒关闭如果不配置默认是3秒
}, function () {
if (ret.code == 0) {
}, 200);
$('.ext-toolbar').on('click', function () {
var type = $(this).data('type');
toolbar[type] ? toolbar[type].call(this) : '';
}, initTableTool: table.on('tool(resourcesQuestionTable)', function (obj) {
var data =;
if (obj.event === 'edit') {
var url = "/jlw/resourcesQuestion/" + data.resourcesQuestionId;
Common.openDlg(url, "题库管理/编辑题目");
} else if (obj.event === "del") {
} else if (obj.event === "up") {
upDrown(1, data.resourcesQuestionId,data.sourceType);
} else if (obj.event === "down") {
upDrown(2, data.resourcesQuestionId,data.sourceType);
function allDelete(ids) {
layer.confirm('是否确定删除该信息?', function (index) {
var ret = Common.postAjax("/jlw/resourcesQuestion/delete.json", {ids: ids});
layer.msg(ret.code == 0 ? "删除成功!" : ret.msg, {
offset: ['50%'],
icon: ret.code == 0 ? 1 : 2,
time: 1500 //2秒关闭如果不配置默认是3秒
}, function () {
if (ret.code == 0) {
function upDrown(status, ids ,sourceType) {
layer.confirm(status == 1 ? '是否确定上架该试题?' : '是否确定下架该试题?', function (index) {
var ret = Common.postAjax("/jlw/resourcesQuestion/putOnShelves.json", {
resourcesQuestionId: ids,
questionStatus: status,
layer.msg(ret.code == 0 ? "操作成功!" : ret.msg, {
offset: ['50%'],
icon: ret.code == 0 ? 1 : 2,
time: 1500 //2秒关闭如果不配置默认是3秒
}, function () {
if (ret.code == 0) {
//选择归属课程 并且根据选择的课程查询章节 resourcesQuestionIdsIsNotNull:查询题目不为空的章节
form.on('select(select_courseInfoIds)', function (obj) {
let sourceType = $("select[name='courseInfoId_0']").find('option:selected').attr("status");
let courseInfoType = 2;//courseInfoType2 章节3 节)
//选择归属课程 并且根据选择的课程查询章节
form.on('select(select_courseInfoIds_)', function (obj) {
let sourceType = $("select[name='courseInfoId_0']").find('option:selected').attr("status");
let courseInfoType = 3;
Lib.getCourseInfo($("select[name='courseInfoId_2']"), obj.value,courseInfoType,sourceType);
exports('index', view);