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  • 根据不为空的参数进行分页查询

    select @pageTag(){ t.* @} from course_label t where 1=1
    and #function("courseLabel.query")# @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelId)){ and t.course_label_id =#courseLabelId# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelType)){ and t.course_label_type =#courseLabelType# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelName)){ and t.course_label_name =#courseLabelName# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelStatus)){ and t.course_label_status =#courseLabelStatus# @} @if(!isEmpty(orgId)){ and t.org_id =#orgId# @} @if(!isEmpty(addType)){ and t.add_type =#addType# @} @if(isEmpty(seeSelf) && !isEmpty(userId)){ and t.user_id =#userId# @} @if(!isEmpty(seeSelf) && seeSelf && !isEmpty(userId)){ and (t.add_type = 'ADMIN_ADD' or t.user_id = #userId#) @}


  • 批量删除

    delete from course_label where find_in_set(course_label_id,#ids#)


  • 根据不为空的参数进行查询

    select t.* from course_label t where 1=1
    @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelId)){ and t.course_label_id =#courseLabelId# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelType)){ and t.course_label_type =#courseLabelType# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelName)){ and t.course_label_name =#courseLabelName# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelStatus)){ and t.course_label_status =#courseLabelStatus# @} @if(!isEmpty(orgId)){ and t.org_id =#orgId# @} @if(!isEmpty(userId)){ and t.user_id =#userId# @}


  • 无权限查询课程类别 select t.* from course_label t where 1=1
    @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelId)){ and t.course_label_id =#courseLabelId# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelType)){ and t.course_label_type =#courseLabelType# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelName)){ and t.course_label_name =#courseLabelName# @} @if(!isEmpty(courseLabelStatus)){ and t.course_label_status =#courseLabelStatus# @} @if(!isEmpty(orgId)){ and t.org_id =#orgId# @} @if(isEmpty(seeSelf) && !isEmpty(userId)){ and t.user_id =#userId# @} @if(!isEmpty(addType)){ and t.add_type =#addType# @} @if(!isEmpty(seeSelf) && seeSelf && !isEmpty(userId)){ and (t.add_type = 'ADMIN_ADD' or t.user_id = #userId#) @}