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window.loadInfo = function () {
function getRecordByWork() {
var ret = Common.getAjax("/jlw/deviceMaintainRecord/getRecordByWorkUserId.json");
if (ret.code == 0) {
function see_menus() {
var layId = $(this).attr("menuId"),
url = $(this).attr("data-url"),
title = $(this).attr("data-title");
if (layId == "1_1_1") {
element.tabChange('fsTab', "1_1_1"); //切换到:用户管理
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$("#fsLeftMenu .menuClass").removeClass("layui-this");
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openNewPage(layId, url, title);
$("#basicsInfo").click(function () {
openNewPage("0_0_0", "/admin/user/", "我的信息");
$("#quitSystem").click(function () {
layer.confirm('是否确定退出系统?', function (index) {
// $.cookie('JT_S_01_token', '', { expires: -1 }); // 删除 cookie
var ret = Common.postAjax("/logout.json");
if (ret.code == 0 || ret.code == 401) {"退出成功!");
Common.awaitTime(1200, function () {
window.location.href = ('${profile!}' === 'prod' ? '/' : '/server');
var openName;
function hangCalendarReminder(data) {
var datas = data.split("[>_<]");
var ddd = '';
if (datas.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
ddd += "<p>第" + (i + 1) + "个待办:&nbsp;&nbsp;" + datas[i] + "</p>";
} else {
ddd = data;
var openName ={
type: 1,
title: "消息提醒",
skin: 'demo-class',
shade: 0,
btnAlign: 'c',
anim: 3,
offset: 'rb',
area: ['500px', '400px'],
"<div style='width: 100%;height: 100%;padding:10px;box-sizing:border-box;text-align: left;line-height: 20px;letter-spacing: 1px'>" +
"您有新的待办即将开始:" +
ddd + "</div>",
// 处理来电
function handlerCustomerCall(layId, phone) {
window.localStorage.setItem("newCustomerPhone", phone);
openNewPage(layId, "/jlw/customerServiceRecord/" + phone, "来电管理");
function newsInfo() {
openNewPage(148, "/jlw/deviceMaintainInfo/", "待填记录单");
function openNewPage(layId, url, title) {
var layId = layId;//来电管理ID
var dataUrl = Common.ctxPath + url;
var title = title;
var len = $(".fsTab .layui-tab-title li").length;
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layui.element.tabDelete('fsTab', layId);
if (n == 0) {
layui.element.tabAdd('fsTab', {
title: title //用于演示
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, id: layId
var othis = $('.layui-tab-title').find('>li[lay-id="' + layId + '"]'),
index = othis.parent().children('li').index(othis),
parents = othis.parents('.layui-tab').eq(0),
item = parents.children('.layui-tab-content').children('.layui-tab-item'),
src = item.eq(index).find('iframe').attr("src");
item.eq(index).find('iframe').attr("src", src);
layui.element.tabChange('fsTab', layId);
//打开订单管理页面 立即查看
function orderPage(orderId) {
window.localStorage.setItem("indexOrderId", orderId);
var layId = 70;//订单管理ID
var dataUrl = Common.ctxPath + "/jlw/order/";
var title = "订单管理";
var len = $(".fsTab .layui-tab-title li").length;
var n = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if ($(".fsTab .layui-tab-title li:eq(" + i + ")").attr("lay-id") == layId) {
layui.element.tabDelete('fsTab', layId);
if (n == 0) {
layui.element.tabAdd('fsTab', {
title: title //用于演示
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, id: layId
var othis = $('.layui-tab-title').find('>li[lay-id="' + layId + '"]'),
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parents = othis.parents('.layui-tab').eq(0),
item = parents.children('.layui-tab-content').children('.layui-tab-item'),
src = item.eq(index).find('iframe').attr("src");
item.eq(index).find('iframe').attr("src", src);
layui.element.tabChange('fsTab', layId); //切换到:用户管理