diff --git a/front/src/api/competition.js b/front/src/api/competition.js
index 472c698..d9faf21 100644
--- a/front/src/api/competition.js
+++ b/front/src/api/competition.js
@@ -24,4 +24,26 @@ export function submit(compId,stageId,qList){
       qList: qList
+export function position(q){
+  return request({
+    url: baseUrl+ "position",
+    method: 'get',
+    params: q
+  })
+export function get(q){
+  return request({
+    url: baseUrl+ "get",
+    method: 'get',
+    params: q
+  })
+export function startExam(q){
+  return request({
+    url: authUrl+ "exam/start",
+    method: 'get',
+    params: q
+  })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/front/src/components/index.vue b/front/src/components/index.vue
index 5f8e72a..d64ca8c 100644
--- a/front/src/components/index.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/index.vue
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
         <b-img fluid  src="/static/image/title_1_500x102.png" />
     <b-container class="d-none d-xl-block">
-        <b-row class="tz-box" @click="goCompetition(1)">
-            <b-col sm="3"> <b-img fluid src="/static/image/pic_1_340x190.png" /></b-col>
+        <b-row v-for="item in list1" :key="item.id" class="tz-box" @click="goCompetition(item.id)">
+            <b-col sm="3"> <b-img fluid :src="item.thumbnail" /></b-col>
             <b-col sm="9">
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
                           <div class="">
                             <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home1_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-                            <span class="tz-team-title">2021年全国高职金融模拟交易大赛</span>
+                            <span class="tz-team-title">{{ item.name}}</span>
                             <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home2_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon"  />
-                             <span>主办方:全国金融职业教育教学指导委员会</span>
+                             <span>主办方:{{ item.sponsor}}</span>
@@ -59,72 +59,18 @@
                             <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home3_30x30.png" class="tz-icon"  />
-                            <div>比赛时间:<span class="tz-yellow-time">2022-05-20 16:00</span> 至 <span class="tz-red-time">2022-05-20 17:00</span></div>
-                            <div>报名时间:<span class="tz-yellow-time">2022-05-20 16:00</span> 至 <span class="tz-red-time">2022-05-20 17:00</span></div>
+                            <div>比赛时间:<span class="tz-yellow-time">{{  new Date(item.startTime).Format('yyyy-MM-dd') }}</span> 至 <span class="tz-red-time">{{ new Date(item.endTime).Format('yyyy-MM-dd')}}</span></div>
+                            <div v-if="item.enableSignup">报名时间:<span class="tz-yellow-time">{{ new Date(item.signupStartTime).Format('yyyy-MM-dd')}}</span> 至 <span class="tz-red-time">{{ new Date(item.signupStartTime).Format('yyyy-MM-dd')}}</span></div>
                         <div class="tz-button-container">
-                         <b-container class="tz-button tz-button-blue">
+                         <b-container :class="item.type == 2 ?'tz-button tz-button-yellow':'tz-button tz-button-blue'">
                               <b-row align-h="center" align-v="center">
                                   <b-col sm="3" align="center">
-                                      <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home4_40x40.png" />
+                                      <b-img :src="item.type==2?'/static/image/icon_home5_40x40.png':'/static/image/icon_home4_40x40.png'" />
                                   <b-col sm="9" align="center">
-                                      <span class="d-none d-sm-inline" >团队赛</span>报名中
-                                  </b-col>
-                              </b-row>
-                          </b-container>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                      </b-col>
-                  </b-row>
-                </b-container>
-            </b-col>
-        </b-row>
-        <b-row class="tz-box" @click="goCompetition(1)">
-            <b-col sm="3"> <b-img fluid src="/static/image/pic_1_340x190.png" /></b-col>
-            <b-col sm="9">
-               <b-container>
-                  <b-row>
-                    <b-col>
-                      <div class="tz-box2-content">
-                        <div>
-                          <div class="">
-                            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home1_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-                            <span class="tz-team-title">2021年全国高职金融模拟交易大赛</span>
-                          </div>
-                          <div>
-                            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home2_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon"  />
-                             <span>主办方:全国金融职业教育教学指导委员会</span>
-                          </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <div>
-                          <b-img fluid src="/static/image/going.png" />
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </b-col>
-                  </b-row>
-                  <hr />
-                  <b-row>
-                      <b-col>
-                        <div class="tz-box2-content">
-                        <div class="tz-time-container">
-                          <div class="d-none d-sm-inline" >
-                            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home3_30x30.png" class="tz-icon"  />
-                          </div>
-                          <div>
-                            <div>比赛时间:<span class="tz-yellow-time">2022-05-20 16:00</span> 至 <span class="tz-red-time">2022-05-20 17:00</span></div>
-                            <div>报名时间:<span class="tz-yellow-time">2022-05-20 16:00</span> 至 <span class="tz-red-time">2022-05-20 17:00</span></div>
-                          </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="tz-button-container">
-                         <b-container class="tz-button tz-button-yellow">
-                              <b-row align-h="center" align-v="center">
-                                  <b-col sm="3" align="center">
-                                      <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home5_40x40.png" />
-                                  </b-col>
-                                  <b-col sm="9" align="center">
-                                      <span class="d-none d-sm-inline" >个人赛</span>报名中
+                                      <span class="d-none d-sm-inline" >{{ item.type == 2?'个人赛':'团队赛' }}</span>{{getStatus(item)}}
@@ -212,13 +158,13 @@
         <b-img fluid  src="/static/image/title_2_500x102.png" />
-      <b-row>
-        <b-col sm>
-           <div class="tz-box2" @click="goCompetition(1)">
+      <b-row v-for="(subList,$index) in list2" :key="$index">
+        <b-col sm v-for="item in subList" :key="item.id" >
+           <div  class="tz-box2" @click="goCompetition(item.id)">
               <div class="tz-box2-header">
-                  <div class="tz-bg-blue">
-                    <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home4_40x40.png"/>
-                    <span>团体赛</span>
+                  <div :class="item.type==1 ?'tz-bg-blue':'tz-bg-yellow' ">
+                    <b-img fluid :src="item.type == 1?'/static/image/icon_home4_40x40.png':'/static/image/icon_home5_40x40.png'"/>
+                    <span>{{ item.type == 1?'团体赛':'个人赛'}}</span>
                   <div class="tz-bg-black">
@@ -231,11 +177,11 @@
                 <div class="tz-footer-content">
                     <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home1_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon"  />
-                    <span class="tz-footer-title" >2021年全国高职金融模拟交易大赛</span>
+                    <span class="tz-footer-title" >{{ item.name}}</span>
                     <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home2_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-                    <span>主办方:全国金融职业教育教学指导委员会</span>
+                    <span>主办方:{{ item.sponsor}}</span>
                 <div class="tz-flex">
@@ -243,82 +189,8 @@
                     <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home3_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-                    <div>比赛时间:05/20 16:00 至 05/20 17:00</div>
-                    <div>报名时间:05/20 16:00 至 05/20 17:00</div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-        </b-col>
-        <b-col sm>
-          <div class="tz-box2" @click="goCompetition(1)">
-              <div class="tz-box2-header">
-                  <div class="tz-bg-blue">
-                    <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home4_40x40.png"/>
-                    <span>团体赛</span>
-                  </div>
-                  <div class="tz-bg-black">
-                    已结束
-                  </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="tz-box2-container">
-                  <b-img src="/static/image/pic_1_340x190.png" />
-              </div>
-              <div class="tz-box2-footer">
-                <div class="tz-footer-content">
-                  <div>
-                    <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home1_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon"  />
-                    <span class="tz-footer-title" >2021年全国高职金融模拟交易大赛</span>
-                  </div>
-                  <div>
-                    <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home2_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-                    <span>主办方:全国金融职业教育教学指导委员会</span>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-                <div class="tz-flex">
-                  <div>
-                    <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home3_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-                  </div>
-                  <div>
-                    <div>比赛时间:05/20 16:00 至 05/20 17:00</div>
-                    <div>报名时间:05/20 16:00 至 05/20 17:00</div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-        </b-col>
-        <b-col sm>
-          <div class="tz-box2" @click="goCompetition(1)">
-              <div class="tz-box2-header">
-                  <div class="tz-bg-yellow">
-                    <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home5_40x40.png"/>
-                    <span>个人赛</span>
-                  </div>
-                  <div class="tz-bg-black">
-                    已结束
-                  </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="tz-box2-container">
-                  <b-img src="/static/image/pic_1_340x190.png" />
-              </div>
-              <div class="tz-box2-footer">
-                <div class="tz-footer-content">
-                  <div>
-                    <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home1_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon"  />
-                    <span class="tz-footer-title" >2021年全国高职金融模拟交易大赛</span>
-                  </div>
-                  <div>
-                    <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home2_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-                    <span>主办方:全国金融职业教育教学指导委员会</span>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-                <div class="tz-flex">
-                  <div>
-                    <b-img src="/static/image/icon_home3_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-                  </div>
-                  <div>
-                    <div>比赛时间:05/20 16:00 至 05/20 17:00</div>
-                    <div>报名时间:05/20 16:00 至 05/20 17:00</div>
+                    <div>比赛时间:{{new Date(item.startTime).Format('yyyy-MM-dd')}} 至 {{ new Date(item.endTime).Format('yyyy-MM-dd')}}</div>
+                    <div v-if="item.enableSignup" >报名时间:{{ new Date(item.signupStartTime).Format('yyyy-MM-dd') }} 至 {{ new Date(item.singnupEndTime).Format('yyyy-MM-dd')}}</div>
@@ -331,12 +203,30 @@
 import Footer from '@/components/footer.vue'
+import * as competitionApi from '@/api/competition'
 export default {
     "tz-footer": Footer
+  data(){
+    return {
+      list1: [],
+      list2: [],
+      page1: {
+        pageNo: 1,
+        pageSize: 20,
+        type:1
+      },
+      page2: {
+        pageNo: 1,
+        pageSize: 20,
+        type: 2
+      }
+    }
+  },
+     this.listGoing()
+     this.listDone()    
@@ -352,6 +242,34 @@ export default {
         path: '/member'
+    },
+    listGoing(){
+        competitionApi.getList(this.page1.pageNo,this.page1.type).then(res=>{
+        if(res.code == 200){
+            this.list1 = res.data.list
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    listDone(){
+      competitionApi.getList(this.page2.pageNo,this.page2.type).then(res=>{
+        if(res.code == 200){
+           for(var i= 0;i<res.data.list.length;i+=3) {
+             let index =  i/3
+             this.list2[index] = res.data.list.slice(i,i+3)
+           }
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    getStatus(item){
+      let now = new Date().getTime()
+      if(item.enableSignup) {
+          let singnupStartTime = new Date(item.singnupStartTime).getTime()
+          let singnupEndTime = new Date(item.singnupEndTime).getTime()
+          if(now>= singnupStartTime &&now<=singnupEndTime){
+            return "报名中";
+          }
+      }
+      return "进行中";
diff --git a/front/src/utils/auth.js b/front/src/utils/auth.js
index 54c3523..d32c437 100644
--- a/front/src/utils/auth.js
+++ b/front/src/utils/auth.js
@@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
 let infoName = "userInfo"
 export function getToken(){
     let info = localStorage.getItem("token")
         return info
    return null
 export function setInfo(userInfo){
-    localStorage.setItem(infoName,userInfo)
+    localStorage.setItem(infoName,JSON.stringify(userInfo))
 export function getInfo(){
-    return localStorage.getItem(infoName)
+    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(infoName))
+export function loginout(){
+    localStorage.removeItem(infoName)
+    localStorage.removeItem('token')
+export function setObj(key,value){
+    localStorage.setItem(key,JSON.stringify(value))
+export function getObj(key){
+    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/front/src/views/competition/first.vue b/front/src/views/competition/first.vue
index c944bc3..edb66e8 100644
--- a/front/src/views/competition/first.vue
+++ b/front/src/views/competition/first.vue
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
     <div class="tz-container">
       <div class="tz-box">
         <div class="tz-banner">
-          <b-img src="/static/image/pic_1_340x190.png" />
+          <b-img fluid :src="competition.thumbnail" />
         <div class="tz-box-content">
           <div class="tz-img-container">
               <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home1_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon" />
-              <span class="tz-title">2021年全国高职金融模拟交易大赛</span>
+              <span class="tz-title">{{ competition.name}}</span>
           <hr />
           <div class="tz-box-info">
             <div  class="tz-img-container">
                 <b-img fluid src="/static/image/icon_home2_30x30.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon"  />
-                <span class="info">主办方:全国金融职业教育教学指导委员会</span>
+                <span class="info">主办方:{{ competition.sponsor}}</span>
             <div  class="tz-img-container">
                 <b-img fluid src="/static/image/supporter_icon.png" class="d-none d-sm-inline tz-icon"  />
-                <span class="info">技术支持方:深圳市天泽教育科技有限公司</span>
+                <span class="info">技术支持方:{{ competition.supporter}}</span>
@@ -25,129 +25,86 @@
               <b-img src="/static/image/medal_icon.png" />
                 <div class="tz-flex">
                     <div class="tz-border">
-                        <div>2056</div>
+                        <div>{{ competition.teamCount}}</div>
                     <div class="tz-v-spliter"></div>
-                        <div>8399</div>
+                        <div>{{ competition.peopleCount }}</div>
-      <div class="stage-name">
-        <hr class="black-hr" /> <div> <div class="stage-icon">初</div><span>初赛</span> </div><hr class="black-hr" />
-      </div>
-      <div class="stage-list">
-        <div class="stage-box">
-          <div class="stage-header">
-            <div>赛项一:证券投资交易赛项</div>
-            <div @click="gotPage(1)">进入答题></div>
-          </div>
-          <div>
-            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/img1_580x260.jpg"/>
-          </div>
-          <div class="stage-time">
-            竞赛时间:<span>2022-04-03 18:00</span>--<span>2022-05-06 18:00</span>
-          </div>
+      <div v-for="item in competition.stageList" :key="item.id">
+        <div class="stage-name">
+          <hr class="black-hr" /> <div> <div class="stage-icon"> {{ item.name.substring(0,1)}}</div><span>{{item.name}}</span> </div><hr class="black-hr" />
-        <div class="stage-box">
-          <div class="stage-header">
-            <div>赛项一:证券投资交易赛项</div>
-            <div @click="gotPage(2)">进入实操></div>
-          </div>
-          <div>
-            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/img4_580x260.jpg"/>
-          </div>
-          <div class="stage-time">
-            竞赛时间:<span>2022-04-03 18:00</span>--<span>2022-05-06 18:00</span>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div class="stage-name">
-        <hr class="black-hr" /> <div> <div class="stage-icon">决</div><span>决赛</span> </div><hr class="black-hr" />
-      </div>
-      <div class="stage-list">
-        <div class="stage-box">
-          <div class="stage-header">
-            <div>赛项一:证券投资交易赛项</div>
-            <div @click="gotPage(1)">进入答题></div>
-          </div>
-          <div>
-            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/img2_580x260.jpg"/>
-          </div>
-          <div class="stage-time">
-            竞赛时间:<span>2022-04-03 18:00</span>--<span>2022-05-06 18:00</span>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="stage-box">
-          <div class="stage-header">
-            <div>赛项一:证券投资交易赛项</div>
-            <div @click="gotPage(2)">进入实操></div>
-          </div>
-          <div>
-            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/img5_580x260.jpg"/>
-          </div>
-          <div class="stage-time">
-            竞赛时间:<span>2022-04-03 18:00</span>--<span>2022-05-06 18:00</span>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div class="stage-name">
-        <hr class="black-hr" /> <div> <div class="stage-icon">冠</div><span>冠军邀请赛</span> </div><hr class="black-hr" />
-      </div>
-      <div class="stage-list">
-        <div class="stage-box">
-          <div class="stage-header">
-            <div>赛项一:证券投资交易赛项</div>
-            <div @click="gotPage(1)">进入答题></div>
-          </div>
-          <div>
-            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/img3_580x260.jpg"/>
-          </div>
-          <div class="stage-time">
-            竞赛时间:<span>2022-04-03 18:00</span>--<span>2022-05-06 18:00</span>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="stage-box">
-          <div class="stage-header">
-            <div>赛项一:证券投资交易赛项</div>
-            <div @click="gotPage(2)">进入实操></div>
-          </div>
-          <div>
-            <b-img fluid src="/static/image/img6_580x260.jpg"/>
+        <div class="stage-list">
+          <div class="stage-box">
+            <div class="stage-header">
+              <div>赛项一:证券投资交易赛项</div>
+              <div @click="gotPage(1,item.id)">进入答题></div>
+            </div>
+            <div>
+              <b-img fluid src="/static/image/img1_580x260.jpg"/>
+            </div>
+            <div class="stage-time">
+              竞赛时间:<span>2022-04-03 18:00</span>--<span>2022-05-06 18:00</span>
+            </div>
-          <div class="stage-time">
-            竞赛时间:<span>2022-04-03 18:00</span>--<span>2022-05-06 18:00</span>
+          <div class="stage-box">
+            <div class="stage-header">
+              <div>赛项一:证券投资交易赛项</div>
+              <div @click="gotPage(2,item.id)">进入实操></div>
+            </div>
+            <div>
+              <b-img fluid src="/static/image/img4_580x260.jpg"/>
+            </div>
+            <div class="stage-time">
+              竞赛时间:<span>2022-04-03 18:00</span>--<span>2022-05-06 18:00</span>
+            </div>
+import * as competitionApi from '@/api/competition'
 export default {
+  data(){
+    return {
+      compId: 0,
+      competition:{}
+    }
+  },
+  created(){
+    if(this.$route.query){
+      this.compId = this.$route.query.id
+    }
+    competitionApi.get({compId: this.compId}).then(res=>{
+      console.log(res)
+      if(res.code == 200){
+        this.competition = res.data
+      }
+    })
+  },
-    gotPage(type){
+    gotPage(type,id){
       if(type ==1){
-          path: '/exam'
+          path: '/exam',
+          query: { id: this.compId,stageId: id }
-          path: '/system'
+          path: '/system',
+          query: { id: this.compId,stageId: id}
@@ -244,6 +201,7 @@ export default {
   margin-right: 1rem;
   padding: .8rem;
+  width: 25rem;
   margin-left: 1rem;
diff --git a/front/src/views/competition/ranking.vue b/front/src/views/competition/ranking.vue
index 74d70a4..cd2935c 100644
--- a/front/src/views/competition/ranking.vue
+++ b/front/src/views/competition/ranking.vue
@@ -69,9 +69,11 @@
+import { getInfo } from '@/utils/auth'
 export default {
         return {
+            userInfo: null,
             stageId: 1,
             levelId: 0,
@@ -137,6 +139,9 @@ export default {
+    },
+    created(){
+        this.userInfo = getInfo()
diff --git a/front/src/views/dialog/confirmdialog.vue b/front/src/views/dialog/confirmdialog.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d0f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front/src/views/dialog/confirmdialog.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+    <div v-if="visiable" class="tz-dialog">
+       <div class="dlg-line">
+           {{ msg }}
+       </div>
+       <div>
+           <b-button @click="cancel">取消</b-button>
+           <b-button @click="confirm">确认</b-button>
+       </div>
+    </div>    
+export default {
+    props:{
+        visiable:{
+            type: Boolean,
+            default: true
+        },
+        ok: {
+            type: Boolean,
+            default: false
+        },
+        msg: {
+            type: String,
+            default: ''
+        }
+    },
+    methods:{
+        cancel(){
+            this.$router.back();
+        },
+        confirm(){
+            this.$emit("update:ok",true)
+        }
+    }
+<style scoped>
+    position: absolute;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+    top:0;
+    left: 0;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
+    color: white;
+    font-size: 200%;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    width: 100%;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/front/src/views/system/cutdown.vue b/front/src/views/system/cutdown.vue
index e2c8d61..4f64d49 100644
--- a/front/src/views/system/cutdown.vue
+++ b/front/src/views/system/cutdown.vue
@@ -14,18 +14,9 @@ export default {
         this.startTime = new Date(this.start)
         this.endTime = new Date(this.end)
-        let end = setInterval(() => {
-        }, 3000);
-        for(var i = 0;i<=end;i++){
-            clearInterval(i);
-        }
-      console.log("cutDown component mounted")
-      this.cutDownManger = setInterval(this.cutDown,1000)  
@@ -37,6 +28,17 @@ export default {
             default: null
+    watch:{
+        start(val){
+            this.startTime = new Date(this.start)
+            console.log("cutDown startTime:"+this.startTime)
+        },
+        end(val){
+            this.endTime = new Date(this.end)
+            console.log("cutDown endTime:"+this.endTime)
+            this.initCutDown()
+        }
+    },
         return {
             startTime: null,
@@ -50,6 +52,15 @@ export default {
+        initCutDown(){
+            let end = setInterval(() => {
+            }, 3000);
+            for(var i = 0;i<=end;i++){
+                clearInterval(i);
+            }
+            this.cutDownManger = setInterval(this.cutDown,1000)  
+        },
             let now = new Date()
             // console.log(this.cutDownManger)
diff --git a/front/src/views/system/exam.vue b/front/src/views/system/exam.vue
index 17357d6..0faa041 100644
--- a/front/src/views/system/exam.vue
+++ b/front/src/views/system/exam.vue
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
                 <b-img src="/static/image/exam_title.png" />
-                    <cut-down start="2022-3-14 00:00:00" end="2022-3-28 03:00:00"  />
+                    <cut-down :start="examInfo.startTime" :end="examInfo.endTime"  />
             <div class="exam-header-title">
-                    2020年全国高职财经大数据分析大赛--金融实操赛项
+                    {{ competition.name}}--金融实操赛项
                     <b-button class="exam-button" @click="handle">交卷</b-button>
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
         <div class="tz-exam-content">
             <div class="tz-exam-left-panel">
                 <div class="tz-exam-box">
-                    <div class="tz-exam-box-title2">产品研究部试用吴京和</div>
+                    <div class="tz-exam-box-title2">{{userInfo.school +' '+  userInfo.name}}</div>
                     <div class="tz-exam-box-content">
-                        <b-img src="/static/image/tx80x80.png" /> 考试日期: {{new  Date().Format("yyyy-MM-dd")}}
+                        <b-img src="/static/image/tx80x80.png" /> 考试日期: {{examInfo.startTime}}
                 <div class="tz-exam-box">
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
                 <div class="exam-tab-content">
                         <a name="single" />
-                        单选题(共<span>60</span>题,每题<span>0.5</span>分,共<span>20.0</span>分)
+                        单选题(共<span>{{singleInfo.size}}</span>题,每题<span>{{singleInfo.score}}</span>分,共<span>{{singleInfo.sumScore}}</span>分)
                     <div v-for="cq in singleQuestion" :key="cq.id">
                         <a :name="cq.id" />
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
                         <a name="multi" />
-                        多选题(共<span>60</span>题,每题<span>0.5</span>分,共<span>20.0</span>分)
+                        多选题(共<span>{{multiInfo.size}}</span>题,每题<span>{{multiInfo.score}}</span>分,共<span>{{ multiInfo.sumScore}}</span>分)
                     <div v-for="cq in multiQuestion" :key="cq.id">
                         <a :name="cq.id" />
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
                         <a name="judge" />
-                        判断题(共<span>60</span>题,每题<span>0.5</span>分,共<span>20.0</span>分)
+                        判断题(共<span>{{judgeInfo.size}}</span>题,每题<span>{{judgeInfo.score}}</span>分,共<span>{{judgeInfo.sumScore}}</span>分)
                     <div v-for="cq in judgeQuestion" :key="cq.id">
                         <a :name="cq.id" />
@@ -114,17 +114,17 @@
                         <a name="anli" />
-                        案例题(共<span>60</span>题,每题<span>0.5</span>分,共<span>20.0</span>分)
+                        案例题(共<span>{{anliInfo.size}}</span>题,每题<span>{{anliInfo.score}}</span>分,共<span>{{anliInfo.sumScore}}</span>分)
                     <div v-for="cq in anliQuestion" :key="cq.id">
                         <a :name="cq.id" />
-                        <div>案例名称:</div>
-                        <div v-if="!!cq.item">
-                             {{cq.id}}.{{cq.item.stem}}
+                        <div class="anli_title">案例名称:</div>
+                        <div class="anli_sub_title" v-if="!!cq.item">
+                             {{cq.item.stem}}
-                        <div>案例介绍:</div>
-                        <div v-html="cq.item.content"></div>
+                        <div class="anli_title">案例介绍:</div>
+                        <div class="anli_sub_title" v-html="cq.item.content"></div>
+                        <hr class="tz-line-dash" />
                         <div v-for="subcq in cq.item.children" :key="subcq.id">
                             <div class="question-stem">
@@ -148,17 +148,39 @@
         <tz-footer />
+        <tz-dialog msg="确认后开始考试,答题时间为1个小时,是否现在开始答题?" :ok.sync="confirm" :visiable="dlgVisiable"   />
 import CutDown from './cutdown.vue'
 import Footer from '@/components/footer.vue'
+import ConfirmDialog from '@/views/dialog/confirmdialog.vue'
 import * as  examApi from '@/api/competition'
 import { getInfo } from '@/utils/auth'
 export default {
         return {
-            singleQuestion: [],
+            singleInfo: {
+                size: 0,
+                score: 0,
+                sumScore: 0
+            },
+            multiInfo: {
+                size: 0,
+                score: 0,
+                sumScore: 0
+            },
+            judgeInfo: {
+                size: 0,
+                score: 0,
+                sumScore: 0
+            },
+            anliInfo: {
+                size: 0,
+                score: 0,
+                sumScore: 0
+            },
+            singleQuestion: [],            
             multiQuestion: [],
             judgeQuestion: [],
@@ -168,8 +190,18 @@ export default {
             currentQ: null,
             userInfo: null,
             tabId: 0,
-            compId: 0,
-            stageId: 0
+            compId: 1,
+            stageId: 1,
+            confirm: false,
+            dlgVisiable: true,
+            competition: null,
+            examInfo: {
+                startTime: null,
+                endTime: null,
+                doneList:[],
+                markList:[],
+                current: 1,
+            }
@@ -209,7 +241,6 @@ export default {
             qList= qList.concat(this.getQList(this.multiQuestion))
-            console.log(qList)
@@ -218,80 +249,185 @@ export default {
             let list = []
                 if(i.item.type == 0 ){
+                    let ids = []
+                    if( i.item.answerId instanceof Array){
+                        ids = i.item.answerId
+                    }else{
+                        ids.push(i.item.answerId)
+                    }
                         id: i.item.id,
                         subId: 0,
-                        answerId: i.item.answerId
+                        ids: ids
                 }else if(i.item.type == 1){
                     i.item.children.forEach( q=>{
+                        let ids = []
+                        if( q.answerId instanceof Array){
+                            ids = q.answerId
+                        }else{
+                            ids.push(q.answerId)
+                        }
                             id: i.item.id,
                             subId: q.id,
-                            answerId: q.answerId
+                            ids: ids
             return list
-        }
-    },
-    created(){
-        this.userInfo = getInfo()
-        examApi.listQuestion(1,1).then(res=>{
-            if(res instanceof Array){
-               let singleList = res.filter( item => item.questionType == 1 &&item.type == 0)
-               let multiList = res.filter(item =>item.questionType == 2&&item.type == 0)
-               let judeList = res.filter(item =>item.questionType == 3&&item.type == 0)
-               let anliList = res.filter(item => item.type == 1)
-               for(var i= 0;i<singleList.length;i++){
-                   let item = singleList[i]
-                   if(item.answerId.length>0){
-                       item.answerId = item.answerId[0]
-                   }
-                   this.singleQuestion.push({id: (i+1), item: item})
-               }
-               this.currentQ = this.singleQuestion[0]
+        },
+        loadQuestion(){
+            examApi.listQuestion(this.compId,this.stageId).then(res=>{
+                if(res instanceof Array){
+                let singleList = res.filter( item => item.questionType == 1 &&item.type == 0)
+                let multiList = res.filter(item =>item.questionType == 2&&item.type == 0)
+                let judeList = res.filter(item =>item.questionType == 3&&item.type == 0)
+                let anliList = res.filter(item => item.type == 1)
+                singleList.sort(function(){
+                    return (0.5 - Math.random())
+                })
+                multiList.sort(function(){
+                    return (0.5 - Math.random())
+                })
+                judeList.sort(function(){
+                    return (0.5 - Math.random())
+                })
+                anliList.sort(function(){
+                    return (0.5 - Math.random())
+                })
+                for(var i= 0;i<singleList.length;i++){
+                    let item = singleList[i]
+                    if(item.answerId.length>0){
+                        item.answerId = item.answerId[0]
+                    }
+                    this.singleQuestion.push({id: (i+1), item: item})
+                }
+                this.currentQ = this.singleQuestion[0]
-               let startIndex =this.singleQuestion.length+1
-                for(var i = 0; i<multiList.length; i++){
-                    let item = multiList[i]
-                    this.multiQuestion.push({id: (startIndex+i), item: item})
+                let startIndex =this.singleQuestion.length+1
+                    for(var i = 0; i<multiList.length; i++){
+                        let item = multiList[i]
+                        this.multiQuestion.push({id: (startIndex+i), item: item})
+                    }
+                    startIndex =this.singleQuestion.length+ this.multiQuestion.length +1
+                    for(var i = 0; i< judeList.length ;i++){
+                        let item = judeList[i]
+                        if(item.answerId.length>0){
+                        item.answerId = item.answerId[0]
+                    }
+                        this.judgeQuestion.push({id:(startIndex + i ), item: item})
+                    }
+                    startIndex = this.singleQuestion.length+ this.multiQuestion.length + this.judgeQuestion.length + 1
+                    for(var i = 0;i<anliList.length;i++){
+                        let item = anliList[i]
+                        item.children.forEach( child =>{
+                            if((child.questionType == 1 || child.questionType == 3)&&child.answerId.length>0){
+                                child.answerId = child.answerId[0]
+                            }
+                        })
+                        this.anliQuestion.push({id: (startIndex + i ) ,item: item})
+                    }
-                startIndex =this.singleQuestion.length+ this.multiQuestion.length +1
-                for(var i = 0; i< judeList.length ;i++){
-                    let item = judeList[i]
-                    if(item.answerId.length>0){
-                       item.answerId = item.answerId[0]
-                   }
-                    this.judgeQuestion.push({id:(startIndex + i ), item: item})
+                this.dlgVisiable = false 
+                this.initQuestionInfo()                    
+            })
+        },
+        startExam(){
+            examApi.startExam({ compId:this.compId,stageId: this.stageId}).then(res=>{
+                if(res.code == 200){
+                    this.examInfo.startTime = res.data.startTime
+                    this.examInfo.endTime = res.data.endTime
+                    this.loadQuestion()
-                startIndex = this.singleQuestion.length+ this.multiQuestion.length + this.judgeQuestion.length + 1
-                for(var i = 0;i<anliList.length;i++){
-                    let item = anliList[i]
-                    item.children.forEach( child =>{
-                        if((child.questionType == 1 || child.questionType == 3)&&child.answerId.length>0){
-                            child.answerId = child.answerId[0]
-                        }
+            })
+        },
+        initQuestionInfo(){
+            this.singleInfo.size =  this.singleQuestion.length
+            this.judgeInfo.size = this.judgeQuestion.length
+            this.multiInfo.size = this.multiQuestion.length
+            this.anliInfo.size = this.anliQuestion.length
+            this.singleInfo.sumScore = this.sumScore(this.singleQuestion)
+            this.singleInfo.score = this.singleInfo.sumScore/this.singleInfo.size
+            this.judgeInfo.sumScore = this.sumScore(this.judgeQuestion)
+            this.judgeInfo.score = this.judgeInfo.sumScore/this.judgeInfo.size
+            this.multiInfo.sumScore = this.sumScore(this.multiQuestion)
+            this.multiInfo.score = this.multiInfo.sumScore/this.multiInfo.size
+            this.anliInfo.sumScore = this.sumAnliScore(this.anliQuestion)
+            this.anliInfo.score = this.anliInfo.sumScore/this.anliInfo.size
+        },
+        sumScore(qList){
+            let score = 0
+            if(qList instanceof Array){
+                qList.forEach(q=>{
+                    score +=q.item.score
+                })
+            }
+            return score
+        },
+        sumAnliScore(qList){
+            let score = 0 
+            if(qList instanceof Array){
+                qList.forEach(q=>{
+                    q.item.children.forEach(cq=>{
+                         console.log("anliItem:",cq)
+                        score += cq.score
-                    this.anliQuestion.push({id: (startIndex + i ) ,item: item})
+                })
+            }
+            return score
+        }
+    },
+    created(){
+        if(this.$route.query){          
+            this.compId = this.$route.query.id
+            examApi.get({compId: this.compId}).then(res=>{
+                if(res.code == 200){
+                    this.competition = res.data
-            }            
-        })
+            })
+        }
+        this.userInfo = getInfo()
+        // this.loadQuestion()
+    },
+    watch:{
+        confirm(val){
+            if(val){
+                this.startExam()
+            }
+        }
         "cutDown": CutDown,
-        "tz-footer": Footer
+        "tz-footer": Footer,
+        'tz-dialog': ConfirmDialog
 <style scoped>
+    border: none; 
+    border-top: 1px dotted #ccc;
+    text-align: left;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    color: black;
+    margin-bottom: 1rem;
+    color: #536073;
+    text-align: left;
+    margin-bottom: 1rem;
     background-image: url('/static/image/answer_topbg_1990x140.jpg');
     background-size: cover;
diff --git a/front/src/views/system/index.vue b/front/src/views/system/index.vue
index 31c015d..4820572 100644
--- a/front/src/views/system/index.vue
+++ b/front/src/views/system/index.vue
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
                             <b-img src="/static/image/system_icon11.png"/> 
                             <span> 欢迎</span>
-                            <span>王灿灿</span>
+                            <span>{{ userInfo.name}}</span>
                             <b-img src="/static/image/system_icon12.png" />
@@ -324,7 +324,8 @@
 import Footer from '@/components/footer'
 import Quotation from './quotation.vue'
 import Portrait from './portrait.vue'
-import * as echarts from 'echarts';
+import * as echarts from 'echarts'
+import { getInfo } from '@/utils/auth'
 export default {
         'tz-footer': Footer,
@@ -374,6 +375,7 @@ export default {
+            userInfo: null,
             tabId: 0,
@@ -381,6 +383,7 @@ export default {
+        this.userInfo = getInfo()
         for(var i = 0 ;i<50;i++){
                 name: '王先生',
diff --git a/front/src/views/system/portrait.vue b/front/src/views/system/portrait.vue
index a724526..3d7a919 100644
--- a/front/src/views/system/portrait.vue
+++ b/front/src/views/system/portrait.vue
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
                     <b-img src="/static/image/system_icon11.png"/> 
                     <span> 欢迎</span>
-                    <span>王灿灿</span>
+                    <span>{{userInfo.name}}</span>
                     <b-img src="/static/image/system_icon12.png" />
@@ -132,9 +132,11 @@
 import * as echarts from 'echarts';
+import { getInfo } from '@/utils/auth'
 export default {
         return {
+            userInfo: null,
             positionCharts: null,
             profitCharts: null,
             heavyCharts: null,
@@ -184,13 +186,7 @@ export default {
-    },
-    beforeUpdate(){
-        console.log("beforeUpdate")
-    },
-    updated(){
-        console.log("updated")
+      this.userInfo = getInfo()
diff --git a/tz/competition/competition-service/src/main/java/com/tz/platform/competitiion/api/biz/CompetitionExamBiz.java b/tz/competition/competition-service/src/main/java/com/tz/platform/competitiion/api/biz/CompetitionExamBiz.java
index 5ba2f93..3216e92 100644
--- a/tz/competition/competition-service/src/main/java/com/tz/platform/competitiion/api/biz/CompetitionExamBiz.java
+++ b/tz/competition/competition-service/src/main/java/com/tz/platform/competitiion/api/biz/CompetitionExamBiz.java
@@ -1,19 +1,35 @@
 package com.tz.platform.competitiion.api.biz;
+import com.tz.platform.common.core.base.Result;
+import com.tz.platform.common.core.bo.GroupCat;
+import com.tz.platform.common.core.bo.SubQuestionVO;
+import com.tz.platform.common.core.tools.BeanUtils;
+import com.tz.platform.common.core.tools.DateUtil;
+import com.tz.platform.competitiion.api.dto.ExamDTO;
+import com.tz.platform.competitiion.api.dto.SubmitResultDTO;
+import com.tz.platform.competitiion.api.vo.SubmitQuestionVO;
+import com.tz.platform.competitiion.api.vo.SubmitVo;
+import com.tz.platform.entity.CompetitionGroup;
+import com.tz.platform.entity.CompetitionMember;
 import com.tz.platform.entity.CompetitionTask;
+import com.tz.platform.entity.ExamPaper;
 import com.tz.platform.feign.exam.IFeignExam;
-import com.tz.platform.feign.exam.qo.CacheQuetionQO;
-import com.tz.platform.feign.exam.qo.QuestionQO;
+import com.tz.platform.feign.exam.qo.CacheQuestionQO;
 import com.tz.platform.feign.exam.vo.QuestionVo;
 import com.tz.platform.feign.user.IFeignUser;
 import com.tz.platform.feign.user.vo.UserVo;
 import com.tz.platform.repository.CompetitionGroupDao;
+import com.tz.platform.repository.CompetitionMemberDao;
 import com.tz.platform.repository.CompetitionTaskDao;
+import com.tz.platform.repository.ExamPaperDao;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
 public class CompetitionExamBiz {
@@ -27,19 +43,37 @@ public class CompetitionExamBiz {
     private CompetitionGroupDao groupDao;
+    @Autowired
+    private CompetitionMemberDao competitionMemberDao;
+    @Autowired
+    private ExamPaperDao examPaperDao;
     private IFeignExam feignExam;
     public List<QuestionVo> getExamQuestion(Long compId,Integer stageId,Long userId){
+        UserVo currentUser  =  feignUser.getByUserNo(userId);
         CompetitionTask task = competitionTaskDao.getByCompetitionIdAndStageId(compId,stageId);
+        List<CompetitionGroup> groupList = groupDao.findByCompetitionId(compId);
+        //学生层次限制
+        List<CompetitionGroup> limitList = groupList.stream().filter(g->g.getLimitType() == 1).collect(Collectors.toList());
         List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>();
         task.getQuestionList().forEach(taskQuestion -> {
-            ids.addAll(taskQuestion.getQuestionIds());
+            if(taskQuestion.getGroupId().equals(0)){
+                ids.addAll(taskQuestion.getQuestionIds());
+            }else{
+                //不同学生层次不同案例题
+                CompetitionGroup group =  limitList.stream().filter(g->g.getId() .equals(taskQuestion.getGroupId())).findFirst().orElse(null);
+                if(group!=null) {
+                    GroupCat groupCat = group.getCatList().stream().filter(groupCat1 -> groupCat1.getId().equals(currentUser.getLevelId())).findFirst().orElse(null);
+                    if (groupCat != null) {
+                        ids.addAll(taskQuestion.getQuestionIds());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-        CacheQuetionQO qo = new CacheQuetionQO();
+        CacheQuestionQO qo = new CacheQuestionQO();
         List<QuestionVo> questionVos = feignExam.listQusetion(qo);
         return questionVos;
@@ -48,7 +82,117 @@ public class CompetitionExamBiz {
     private List<QuestionVo> getQList(List<QuestionVo> qList,Long userId){
         UserVo userVo =  feignUser.getByUserNo(userId);
         return null;
+    @Transactional
+    public Result<ExamDTO> startExam(Long compId, Integer stageId, Long userNo){
+        CompetitionMember member = competitionMemberDao.getByCompetitionIdAndStageIdAndUserId(compId,stageId,userNo);
+        if(member == null){
+            return Result.error("未报名该大赛或赛段");
+        }
+        if(member.getExamStartTime()!=null){
+            ExamDTO dto = new ExamDTO();
+            dto.setStartTime(member.getExamStartTime());
+            dto.setEndTime(DateUtil.addHours(member.getExamStartTime(),1));
+            return Result.success(dto);
+        }
+        Date examStartTime = new Date();
+        Date examEndTime = DateUtil.addHours(examStartTime,1);
+        int affect =  competitionMemberDao.updateExamStartTime(userNo,stageId,compId,examStartTime);
+        if(affect>0){
+            ExamDTO dto = new ExamDTO();
+            dto.setStartTime(examStartTime);
+            dto.setEndTime(examEndTime);
+            return Result.success(dto);
+        }
+        return Result.error("failed");
+    }
+    @Transactional
+    public Result<SubmitResultDTO> submit(SubmitVo vo){
+        Date now = new Date();
+        CompetitionMember member = competitionMemberDao.getByCompetitionIdAndStageIdAndUserId(vo.getCompId(),vo.getStageId(),vo.getUserNo());
+        if(member.getExamScore()!=null){
+            SubmitResultDTO dto = new SubmitResultDTO();
+            dto.setScore(member.getExamScore());
+            return Result.success(dto);
+        }
+        Long costTime =now.getTime() -  member.getExamStartTime().getTime();
+        if(costTime >3600000){
+            return Result.error("考试超时");
+        }
+        CompetitionTask task = competitionTaskDao.getByCompetitionIdAndStageId(vo.getCompId(),vo.getStageId());
+        if(task.getExamEndTime().getTime()<now.getTime()){
+            return Result.error("考试超时");
+        }
+        SubmitResultDTO dto = new SubmitResultDTO();
+        List<QuestionVo> questionVoList = getExamQuestion(vo.getCompId(),vo.getStageId(),vo.getUserNo());
+        Long score = computeScore(questionVoList,vo.getQList());
+        competitionMemberDao.updateScore(vo.getUserNo(),vo.getStageId(),vo.getCompId(),score);
+        competitionMemberDao.updateExamEndTimeAndCostTime(vo.getUserNo(),vo.getStageId(),vo.getCompId(),now,costTime);
+        ExamPaper paper =   BeanUtils.copyProperties(vo,ExamPaper.class);
+        paper.setId(paper.getCompId()+"_"+paper.getStageId()+"_"+paper.getUserNo());
+        examPaperDao.save(paper);
+        dto.setScore(score);
+        return Result.success(dto);
+    }
+    //计算得分
+    private Long computeScore(List<QuestionVo> questionVoList, List<SubmitQuestionVO> submitQuestionVOS){
+        Long totalScore = 0L;
+        for(int j = 0;j< submitQuestionVOS.size();j++)
+        {
+            SubmitQuestionVO submitQuestionVO  = submitQuestionVOS.get(j);
+            QuestionVo q = questionVoList.stream().filter(questionVo -> questionVo.getId().equals(submitQuestionVO.getId())).findFirst().orElse(null);
+            if(q == null) { continue; }
+            if(q.getType() == 0){
+                //普通题
+                if(checkCorrect(q.getAnswerId(),submitQuestionVO.getIds())){
+                    totalScore += q.getScore();
+                }
+//               if(q.getAnswerId().size() == submitQuestionVO.getIds().size()){
+//                   boolean crorrect = true;
+//                   for(int i = 0 ;i <submitQuestionVO.getIds().size();i++){
+//                       if(q.getAnswerId().indexOf(submitQuestionVO.getIds().get(i))<0){
+//                           crorrect = false;
+//                           break;
+//                       }
+//                   }
+//                   if(crorrect){
+//                       totalScore+= q.getScore();
+//                   }
+//               }
+            }else{
+                //案例题
+                SubQuestionVO subQuestionVO =  q.getChildren().stream().filter(subQuestionVO1 -> subQuestionVO1.getId().intValue() == submitQuestionVO.getSubId()).findFirst().orElse(null);
+                if(subQuestionVO == null) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if(checkCorrect(subQuestionVO.getAnswerId(),submitQuestionVO.getIds())){
+                    totalScore += subQuestionVO.getScore();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return totalScore;
+    }
+    private boolean checkCorrect(List<Integer> answerId,List<Integer> checkList){
+        if(checkList ==null&&checkList.size() == 0) {return false;}
+        if(answerId.size() == checkList.size()){
+            boolean correct = true;
+            for(int i = 0 ;i <checkList.size();i++){
+                if(answerId.indexOf(checkList.get(i))<0){
+                    correct = false;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+           return correct;
+        }
+        return  false;
+    }