diff --git a/src/assets/fonts/DS-Digital.ttf b/src/assets/fonts/DS-Digital.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0925877
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/fonts/DS-Digital.ttf differ
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index a86da0b..de006a4 100644
--- a/src/assets/fonts/font.css
+++ b/src/assets/fonts/font.css
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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     font-family: 'FZCYJ';
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+    src: url('./DS-Digital.ttf');
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     font-style: normal;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue b/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue
index d741b45..cc2c55f 100644
--- a/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue
+++ b/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
               <!-- <router-link to="/user/profile">
-              <!-- <el-dropdown-item command="setLayout">
+               <el-dropdown-item command="setLayout">
               </el-dropdown-item> -->
               <el-dropdown-item divided command="logout">
diff --git a/src/views/visual/components/transaction.vue b/src/views/visual/components/transaction.vue
index dc7172e..b0b7f1f 100644
--- a/src/views/visual/components/transaction.vue
+++ b/src/views/visual/components/transaction.vue
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 <div class="app-study">
   <!-- <el-button style="background:url('../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/央行可视化监控中心/全屏.png'); width: 143px;">全屏</el-button> -->
-  <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/央行可视化监控中心/全屏.png" >
+  <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/央行可视化监控中心/全屏.png" @click="fullScreen">
    <div class="visualization">
      <div class="visMain">
         <div class="top">
+          <span class="linear-gradient-text">xxx学校人民币数字货币交易总览</span>
           <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/top.png">
         <div class="leftMain">
@@ -16,19 +18,86 @@
             <img style="width: 97%;" src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/1-2.png">
             <img style="width: 97%;" src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/1-3.png">
             <img style="width: 97%;" src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/1-4.png">
-            <div class="font1"><span class="font3">交易总次数</span><span class="font2">123321</span>次</div>
-            <div class="font4"><span class="font3">交易总次数</span><span class="font2">123321</span>次</div>
+            <div class="font1"><span class="font3">交易总次数</span><span class="font2">123321 </span>次</div>
+            <div class="font4"><span class="font3">交易总金额</span><span class="font2">123321-CNY</span></div>
+            <div class="font5"><span class="font3">发放红包总数量</span><span class="font2">123321 </span>个</div>
+            <div class="font6"><span class="font3">发放红包总金额</span><span class="font2">123321 </span>个</div>
-        </div>
+          <img style="width: 100%; position: absolute; top:350px;left:0px" src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/小标题2.pn.png">
+          <span class="leftText2">商业银行交易情况</span>
+          <div class="leftSmallWindow2">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/8边框1.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/8边框2.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/8边框3.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/8边框4.png">
+            <div class="fontFont1"><span class="fontFont2">商业银行数量</span><span><a>56</a>家</span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont3"><span class="fontFont2">用户数量</span><span><a>102</a>个</span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont4"><span class="fontFont2">兑换数字人民币金额</span><span><a>12021-CNY</a></span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont5"><span class="fontFont2">发送红包数量</span><span><a>12021-CNY</a></span></div>
+          </div>
+        </div> 
         <div class="earth">
           <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/边圈(做旋转).png">
+        <div class="rightMain">
+          <img style="width: 100%;" src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/小标题3.pn.png">
+          <span class="leftText">企业交易情况</span>
+          <div class="leftSmallWindow3">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/企业用户数量.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/上架商品数量.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/兑换数字人民币金额.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/发放红包金额.png">
+            <div class="fontFont1"><span><a>56</a>家</span><span class="fontFont2">企业用户数量</span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont3"><span><a>102</a>个</span><span class="fontFont2">上架商品数量</span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont4"><span><a>12021-CNY</a></span><span class="fontFont2">兑换数字人民币金额</span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont5"><span><a>12021-CNY</a></span><span class="fontFont2">发送红包金额</span></div>
+          </div>
+          <img style="width: 100%; position: absolute; top:350px;left:0px" src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/小标题2.pn.png">
+          <span class="leftText2">商业银行交易情况</span>
+          <div class="leftSmallWindow4">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/4-1.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/4-2.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/4-3.png">
+            <img src="../../../assets/images/央行可视化监控中心-切图/XXX学校人民币数字货币交易总览/4-4.png">
+            <div class="fontFont6"><span class="fontFont2">个人用户数量</span><span><a>56</a>个</span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont7"><span class="fontFont2">兑换数字人民币金额</span><span><a>102</a>个</span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont8"><span class="fontFont2">消费中金额</span><span><a>12021-CNY</a></span></div>
+            <div class="fontFont9"><span class="fontFont2">领取红包金额</span><span><a>12021-CNY</a></span></div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
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