You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

689 lines
19 KiB

* @description: 配置参考
* @Date: 2023-03-27 14:38:23
* @Author: xing.heng
// 分类
const category = 'Line'
// 标题
const title = '多折线动画图'
// 类别, new Line()
const chartType = 'Line'
// 用于标识唯一title的中文转拼音
const name = 'DuoZheXianDongHuaTu'
// 右侧配置项
const setting = [
label: '维度',
// 设置组件类型, select / input / colorPicker
type: 'select',
// 字段
field: 'xField',
optionField: 'xField', // 对应options中的字段
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
// 绑定的值
value: '',
// tab页。 data: 数据, custom: 自定义
tabName: 'data'
label: '指标',
// 设置组件类型
type: 'select',
// 字段
field: 'yField',
// 对应options中的字段
optionField: 'yField',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '',
tabName: 'data'
label: '分组',
// 设置组件类型
type: 'select',
// 字段
field: 'seriesField',
// 对应options中的字段
optionField: 'seriesField',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '',
tabName: 'data'
/** 样式配置 **/
// 图表 graph
label: '折线宽度',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'lineStyle_lineWidth',
optionField: 'lineStyle.lineWidth',
value: 2,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'graph'
label: '折线颜色',
// 设置组件类型
type: 'colorSelect',
// 字段
field: 'color',
// 对应options中的字段
optionField: 'color',
value: ['#5B8FF9', '#61DDAA', '#5D7092', '#F6BD16', '#6F5EF9', '#6DC8EC', '#945FB9', '#FF9845', '#1E9493', '#FF99C3'],
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'graph'
label: '动画效果',
// 设置组件类型
type: 'select',
// 字段
field: 'animation_appear_animation',
// 对应options中的字段
optionField: 'animation.appear.animation',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: 'path-in',
tabName: 'custom',
options: [
{ label: '渐现动画', value: 'fade-in' },
{ label: '渐隐动画', value: 'fade-out' },
{ label: '容器沿着 x,y 方向放大的矩阵动画', value: 'grow-in-xy' },
{ label: '划入入场动画效果', value: 'wave-in' },
{ label: '沿着图形中心点的放大动画', value: 'zoom-in' },
{ label: '沿着图形中心点的缩小动画', value: 'zoom-out' },
{ label: 'path 路径入场动画', value: 'path-in' }
groupName: 'graph'
label: '动画时长(ms)',
// 设置组件类型
type: 'inputNumber',
// 字段
field: 'animation_appear_duration',
// 对应options中的字段
optionField: 'animation.appear.duration',
value: 5000,
max: 10000,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'graph'
// 网格线 grid
label: '虚线',
type: 'switchCustom',
field: 'yAxis_grid_line_style_lineDash',
optionField: '',
value: 0,
active: 5,
inactive: 0,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'grid'
label: '宽度',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'yAxis_grid_line_style_lineWidth',
optionField: '',
value: 1,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'grid'
label: '颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'yAxis_grid_line_style_stroke',
optionField: '',
value: '#d0d0d0',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'grid'
// 图例 legend
label: '显示',
type: 'switch', // 设置组件类型
field: 'legendEnable', // 字段
optionField: 'legendEnable', // 对应options中的字段
value: false,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'legend'
label: '位置',
type: 'select', // 设置组件类型
field: 'legendPosition', // 字段
optionField: 'legendPosition', // 对应options中的字段
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: 'top',
tabName: 'custom',
options: [
{ label: '顶部', value: 'top' },
{ label: '左上角', value: 'top-left' },
{ label: '右上角', value: 'top-right' },
{ label: '左侧', value: 'left' },
// { label: '左上方', value: 'left-top' },
// { label: '左下方', value: 'left-bottom' },
{ label: '右侧', value: 'right' },
// { label: '右上方', value: 'right-top' },
// { label: '右下方', value: 'right-bottom' },
{ label: '底部', value: 'bottom' },
{ label: '左下角', value: 'bottom-left' },
{ label: '右下角', value: 'bottom-right' }
groupName: 'legend'
label: '字体大小',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'legendItemName_style_fontSize',
optionField: '',
value: 12,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'legend'
label: '字体权重',
type: 'inputNumber',
step: 100,
max: 900,
field: 'legendItemName_style_fontWeight',
optionField: '',
value: 400,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'legend'
label: '字体颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'legendItemName_style_fill',
optionField: '',
value: '#595959',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'legend'
// X轴 xAxis
label: '标题',
type: 'input',
field: 'xAxis_title_text',
optionField: 'xAxis.title.text',
value: '',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '标题位置',
type: 'select',
field: 'xAxis_title_position',
optionField: 'xAxis.title.position',
value: 'end',
tabName: 'custom',
options: [
label: '左',
value: 'start'
label: '中',
value: 'center'
label: '右',
value: 'end'
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '标题字体大小',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'xAxis_title_style_fontSize',
optionField: '',
value: 12,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '标题颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'xAxis_title_style_fill',
optionField: '',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '#8C8C8C',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '标签大小',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'xAxis_label_style_fontSize',
optionField: '',
value: 12,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '标签颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'xAxis_label_style_fill',
optionField: '',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '#8C8C8C',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '轴线宽度',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'xAxis_line_style_lineWidth',
optionField: '',
value: 1,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '轴线颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'xAxis_line_style_stroke',
optionField: '',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '#d0d0d0',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '刻度线宽度',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'xAxis_tickLine_style_lineWidth',
optionField: '',
value: 1,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '刻度线颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'xAxis_tickLine_style_stroke',
optionField: '',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '#d0d0d0',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '标签过多时旋转',
type: 'switch',
field: 'xAxis_label_autoRotate',
optionField: 'xAxis.label.autoRotate',
value: true,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '标签过多时隐藏',
type: 'switch',
field: 'xAxis_label_autoHide',
optionField: 'xAxis.label.autoHide',
value: false,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
label: '标签过长时省略',
type: 'switch',
field: 'xAxis_label_autoEllipsis',
optionField: 'xAxis.label.autoEllipsis',
value: false,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'xAxis'
// Y轴 yAxis
label: '标题',
type: 'input',
field: 'yAxis_title_text',
optionField: 'yAxis.title.text',
value: '',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'yAxis'
label: '标题位置',
type: 'select',
field: 'yAxis_title_position',
optionField: 'yAxis.title.position',
value: 'end',
tabName: 'custom',
options: [
label: '上',
value: 'end'
label: '中',
value: 'center'
label: '下',
value: 'start'
groupName: 'yAxis'
label: '标题字体大小',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'yAxis_title_style_fontSize',
optionField: '',
value: 12,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'yAxis'
label: '标题颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'yAxis_title_style_fill',
optionField: '',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '#8C8C8C',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'yAxis'
label: '显示标签',
type: 'switchNumber',
field: 'yAxis_label_style_opacity',
optionField: '',
value: 1,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'yAxis'
label: '标签字体大小',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'yAxis_label_style_fontSize',
optionField: '',
value: 12,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'yAxis'
label: '标签字体颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'yAxis_label_style_fill',
optionField: '',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '#8C8C8C',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'yAxis'
label: '轴线宽度',
type: 'inputNumber',
field: 'yAxis_line_lineWidth',
optionField: '',
value: 0,
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'yAxis'
label: '轴线颜色',
type: 'colorPicker',
field: 'yAxis_line_stroke',
optionField: '',
// 是否多选
multiple: false,
value: '#d0d0d0',
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'yAxis'
// 边距 padding
label: '图表边距',
type: 'padding',
field: 'appendPadding',
optionField: 'appendPadding',
value: [16, 16, 16, 16],
tabName: 'custom',
groupName: 'padding'
// 模拟数据
const data = [
{ name: 'China', year: '2000', gdp: 1211346869605.24 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2001', gdp: 1339395718865.3 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2002', gdp: 1470550015081.55 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2003', gdp: 1660287965662.68 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2004', gdp: 1955347004963.27 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2005', gdp: 2285965892360.54 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2006', gdp: 2752131773355.16 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2007', gdp: 3550342425238.25 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2008', gdp: 4594306848763.08 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2009', gdp: 5101702432883.45 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2010', gdp: 6087164527421.24 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2011', gdp: 7551500425597.77 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2012', gdp: 8532230724141.76 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2013', gdp: 9570405758739.79 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2014', gdp: 10438529153237.6 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2015', gdp: 11015542352468.9 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2016', gdp: 11137945669350.6 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2017', gdp: 12143491448186.1 },
{ name: 'China', year: '2018', gdp: 13608151864637.9 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2000', gdp: 10252345464000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2001', gdp: 10581821399000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2002', gdp: 10936419054000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2003', gdp: 11458243878000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2004', gdp: 12213729147000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2005', gdp: 13036640229000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2006', gdp: 13814611414000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2007', gdp: 14451858650000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2008', gdp: 14712844084000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2009', gdp: 14448933025000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2010', gdp: 14992052727000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2011', gdp: 15542581104000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2012', gdp: 16197007349000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2013', gdp: 16784849190000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2014', gdp: 17521746534000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2015', gdp: 18219297584000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2016', gdp: 18707188235000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2017', gdp: 19485393853000 },
{ name: 'United States', year: '2018', gdp: 20544343456936.5 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2000', gdp: 1657816613708.58 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2001', gdp: 1640246149417.01 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2002', gdp: 1784473920863.31 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2003', gdp: 2053018775510.2 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2004', gdp: 2416931526913.22 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2005', gdp: 2538680000000 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2006', gdp: 2713749770009.2 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2007', gdp: 3100882352941.18 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2008', gdp: 2922667279411.76 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2009', gdp: 2410909799034.12 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2010', gdp: 2475244321361.11 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2011', gdp: 2659310054646.23 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2012', gdp: 2704887678386.72 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2013', gdp: 2786022872706.81 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2014', gdp: 3063803240208.01 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2015', gdp: 2928591002002.51 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2016', gdp: 2694283209613.29 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2017', gdp: 2666229179958.01 },
{ name: 'United Kingdom', year: '2018', gdp: 2855296731521.96 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2000', gdp: 259710142196.94 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2001', gdp: 306602070620.5 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2002', gdp: 345470494417.86 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2003', gdp: 430347770731.79 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2004', gdp: 591016690742.8 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2005', gdp: 764017107992.39 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2006', gdp: 989930542278.7 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2007', gdp: 1299705764823.62 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2008', gdp: 1660846387624.78 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2009', gdp: 1222644282201.86 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2010', gdp: 1524917468442.01 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2011', gdp: 2051661732059.78 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2012', gdp: 2210256976945.38 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2013', gdp: 2297128039058.21 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2014', gdp: 2059984158438.46 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2015', gdp: 1363594369577.82 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2016', gdp: 1282723881134.01 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2017', gdp: 1578624060588.26 },
{ name: 'Russian', year: '2018', gdp: 1657554647149.87 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2000', gdp: 4887519660744.86 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2001', gdp: 4303544259842.72 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2002', gdp: 4115116279069.77 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2003', gdp: 4445658071221.86 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2004', gdp: 4815148854362.11 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2005', gdp: 4755410630912.14 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2006', gdp: 4530377224970.4 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2007', gdp: 4515264514430.57 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2008', gdp: 5037908465114.48 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2009', gdp: 5231382674593.7 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2010', gdp: 5700098114744.41 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2011', gdp: 6157459594823.72 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2012', gdp: 6203213121334.12 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2013', gdp: 5155717056270.83 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2014', gdp: 4850413536037.84 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2015', gdp: 4389475622588.97 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2016', gdp: 4926667087367.51 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2017', gdp: 4859950558538.97 },
{ name: 'Japan', year: '2018', gdp: 4971323079771.87 }
// 配置处理脚本
const optionHandler = 'option.legend = option.legendEnable ? {position: setting.find(settingItem=>settingItem.field === \'legendPosition\').value} : false;' +
'\n if (option.legendEnable) {\n' +
' option.legend.itemName = option.legendItemName\n' +
' };' +
' = [4,setting.find(settingItem=>settingItem.field === \'yAxis_grid_line_style_lineDash\').value]'
// 数据处理脚本
const dataHandler = ''
// 图表配置 new Line('domName', option)
const option = {
// 数据将要放入到哪个字段中
dataKey: 'data',
color: ['#5B8FF9', '#61DDAA', '#5D7092', '#F6BD16', '#6F5EF9', '#6DC8EC', '#945FB9', '#FF9845', '#1E9493', '#FF99C3'],
xField: 'year',
yField: 'gdp',
seriesField: 'name',
appendPadding: [16, 16, 16, 16], // 设置图标的边距
xAxis: {
title: {
text: '',
position: 'end',
style: {
fill: '#8C8C8C',
fontSize: 12
label: {
autoRotate: true,
autoHide: false,
autoEllipsis: true,
style: {
fill: '#8C8C8C',
fontSize: 12
line: {
style: {
stroke: '#d0d0d0',
lineWidth: 1
tickLine: {
style: {
stroke: '#d0d0d0',
lineWidth: 1
yAxis: {
title: {
text: '',
position: 'end',
autoRotate: false,
// rotation: Math.PI / 2,
style: {
fill: '#8C8C8C',
fontSize: 12
grid: {
line: {
style: {
stroke: '#d0d0d0',
lineWidth: 1,
lineDash: [4, 5],
strokeOpacity: 0.7
label: {
formatter: (v) => {
if (v < 1e3) return v
if (v >= 1e3 && v < 1e6) return `${(v / 1e3).toFixed(1)} K`
if (v >= 1e6 && v < 1e9) return `${(v / 1e6).toFixed(1)} M`
if (v >= 1e9 && v < 1e12) return `${(v / 1e9).toFixed(1)} B`
return `${(v / 10e8).toFixed(1)} B`
style: {
fill: '#8C8C8C',
fontSize: 12,
opacity: 1
line: {
style: {
stroke: '#d0d0d0',
lineWidth: 0
legendEnable: false,
legendLayout: 'vertical',
legendPosition: 'top',
legend: false,
legendItemName: {
style: {
fill: '#595959',
fontSize: 12,
fontWeight: 400
smooth: true,
// @TODO 后续会换一种动画方式
animation: {
appear: {
animation: 'path-in',
duration: 5000
lineStyle: {
lineWidth: 2
export default {