You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

359 lines
12 KiB

* @description: vuex mutations 事件
* @Date: 2023-03-13 10:04:59
* @Author: xing.heng
* @LastEditors: xing.heng
* @LastEditTime: 2023-06-08 15:24:01
import Vue from 'vue'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { defaultData } from './state'
import moment from 'moment'
import { randomString } from 'packages/js/utils'
export default {
// 改变页面基本信息,后端请求的页面信息存储到此处
changePageInfo (state, pageInfo) {
state.pageInfo = pageInfo
// 改变组件列表
changeLayout (state, layout) {
state.pageInfo.chartList = layout
changeIframeDialog (state, dialogVisible) {
state.iframeDialog = dialogVisible
// 改变当前选择组件id
changeActiveCode (state, code) {
state.activeCode = code
state.hoverCode = code
const activeItem = _.cloneDeep(state.pageInfo.chartList?.find(
item => item.code === code
changeGroup(code, state)
state.activeItemConfig = _.cloneDeep(activeItem)
changeActiveCodes (state, codes) {
state.activeCodes = codes
state.pageInfo.chartList = state.pageInfo.chartList?.map(chart => {
return {
group: (codes.includes(chart.code) && ! ? 'tempGroup' :
// 改变当前hover组件id
changeHoverCode (state, code) {
state.hoverCode = code
changePageLoading (state, booleanValue) {
state.pageLoading = booleanValue
// 改变当前组件配置
changeChartConfig (state, itemConfig) {
const index = state.pageInfo.chartList.findIndex(
item => item.code === itemConfig.code
Vue.set(state.pageInfo.chartList, index, {
// 对比之前的config和当前的itemConfig的xywh如果有变化就改变卡尺对齐线
const oldConfig = state.pageInfo.chartList[index]
if (
oldConfig.x !== itemConfig.x ||
oldConfig.y !== itemConfig.y ||
oldConfig.w !== itemConfig.w ||
oldConfig.h !== itemConfig.h
) {
// 改变当前组件的卡尺对齐线
changePresetLine(state, itemConfig)
setPresetLine (state, { x, y, w, h }) {
state.presetLine = [
{ type: 'h', site: y || 0 },
{ type: 'v', site: x || 0 }
changeActiveItemConfig (state, config) {
state.activeItemConfig = _.cloneDeep(config)
// 新增一个组件
addItem (state, itemConfig) {
// 放到第一项
changeZIndexFuc(state, state.pageInfo.chartList)
saveTimeLineFunc(state, '新增组件' + itemConfig?.title)
// 删除组件/批量删除组件
delItem (state, codes) {
if (Array.isArray(codes)) {
state.pageInfo.chartList = state.pageInfo.chartList.filter(chart => !codes.includes(chart.code))
} else {
state.pageInfo.chartList = state.pageInfo.chartList.filter(chart => codes !== chart.code)
// 存储删除后的状态
saveTimeLineFunc(state, '删除组件')
changePageConfig (state, pageConfig) {
Vue.set(state.pageInfo, 'pageConfig', _.cloneDeep(pageConfig))
state.updateKey = new Date().getTime()
changeActiveItem (state, activeItem) {
state.activeItem = _.cloneDeep(activeItem)
state.activeId = activeItem.code
// state.settingJson = _.cloneDeep(activeItem.settingConfig) || {}
// 改变当前组件的xywh
changeActiveItemWH(state, chart) {
if (chart.code === state.activeItemConfig.code) {
state.activeItemConfig = {
// 清空卡尺对齐线
resetPresetLine (state) {
state.presetLine = []
// 改变组件的层级
changeZIndex (state, list) {
changeZIndexFuc(state, list)
// 改变锁定状态
changeLocked (state, config) {
const index = state.pageInfo.chartList.findIndex(
item => item.code === config.code
Vue.set(state.pageInfo.chartList[index], 'locked', !config.locked)
saveTimeLineFunc(state, !config.locked ? `解锁${config?.title}` : `锁定${config?.title}`)
// 改变网格显示状态
changeGridShow (state, isShow) {
state.hasGrid = isShow
// 改变组件的key
changeChartKey (state, code) {
const index = state.pageInfo.chartList.findIndex(
item => item.code === code
if (index < 0) {
const config = state.pageInfo.chartList[index]
Vue.set(config, 'key', config.code + new Date().getTime())
// 改变缓存数据集中的字段列表
changeCacheDataFields (state, { dataSetId, data }) {
// 将 state.pageInfo.pageConfig.cacheDataSets 中的 dataSetId 对应fields字段数据替换为 data
const index = state.pageInfo.pageConfig.cacheDataSets.findIndex(cacheData => cacheData.dataSetId === dataSetId)
if (index < 0) {
Vue.set(state.pageInfo.pageConfig.cacheDataSets[index], 'fields', data?.fields || [])
// 改变缓存数据集中的数据参数
changeCacheDataParams (state, { dataSetId, data }) {
// 将 state.pageInfo.pageConfig.cacheDataSets 中的 dataSetId 对应fields字段数据替换为 data
const index = state.pageInfo.pageConfig.cacheDataSets.findIndex(cacheData => cacheData.dataSetId === dataSetId)
if (index < 0) {
Vue.set(state.pageInfo.pageConfig.cacheDataSets[index], 'params', data?.params || [])
// 改变缓存数据集中的数据
changeCacheDataSetData (state, { dataSetId, data }) {
const index = state.pageInfo.pageConfig.cacheDataSets.findIndex(cacheData => cacheData.dataSetId === dataSetId)
if (index < 0) {
state.pageInfo.pageConfig.cacheDataSets[index].data = data || []
// 改变shift是否被按下
changeCtrlOrCommandDown (state, isDown) {
state.shiftKeyDown = isDown
// 初始化store中的数据防止污染
resetStoreData (state) {
for (const stateKey in state) {
state[stateKey] = _.cloneDeep(defaultData[stateKey])
changeZoom (state, zoom) {
state.zoom = zoom
changeFitZoom (state, zoom) {
state.fitZoom = zoom
changeActivePos (state, { diffX, diffY }) {
const activeCodes = state.activeCodes
activeCodes?.forEach(code => {
const chart = state.pageInfo.chartList.find(item => item.code === code)
if (chart) {
chart.x += diffX
chart.y += diffY
const index = state.pageInfo.chartList.findIndex(
item => item.code === chart.code
if (index < 0) {
Vue.set(state.pageInfo.chartList, index, {
changePresetLine(state, chart)
// 保存当前状态
saveTimeLine (state, title) {
const date = new Date()
const time = moment(date).format('HH:mm:ss')
// title默认获取当前时间时分秒
if (!title) {
const date = new Date()
title = `${date.getHours()}:${date.getMinutes()}:${date.getSeconds()}`
saveTimeLineFunc(state, title, time)
// 撤回/反撤回当前事件线 undo和redo放到一个函数中用isUndo区分
undoTimeLine (state, isUndo = true) {
let currentStore = {}
// 撤回
if (isUndo) {
if (state.timelineStore.length > 0 && state.currentTimeLine > 1) {
// 时间线往前推一个
state.currentTimeLine = state.currentTimeLine - 1
currentStore = state.timelineStore[state.currentTimeLine - 1]
if (currentStore?.chartList) {
state.pageInfo.chartList = _.cloneDeep(currentStore?.chartList)
// 反撤回 redo
if (!isUndo) {
if (state.currentTimeLine < state.timelineStore.length) {
// 时间线往后推一个
state.currentTimeLine = state.currentTimeLine + 1
currentStore = state.timelineStore[state.currentTimeLine - 1]
state.pageInfo.chartList = _.cloneDeep(currentStore?.chartList || [])
clearTimeline (state) {
// 最后一个状态
const lastStore = state.timelineStore[state.timelineStore.length - 1]
// 将最后一个状态作为初始状态,否则下次拖拽后无法回到之前
state.timelineStore = [
timelineTitle: '初始状态',
updateTime: moment(new Date()).format('HH:mm:ss')
state.currentTimeLine = 1
// 回退到指定时间线
rollbackTimeline (state, index) {
state.pageInfo.chartList = _.cloneDeep(state.timelineStore[index]?.chartList || [])
state.currentTimeLine = index + 1
// 复制组件
copyCharts (state) {
state.copyChartCodes = _.cloneDeep(state.activeCodes)
// 粘贴组件
pasteCharts (state) {
const copyChartCodes = state.copyChartCodes
const chartList = state.pageInfo.chartList
// 将选中的组件复制一份, code加上 随机后缀, key 也加上随机后缀, x, y 各增加50
const additionCode = randomString(5)
const copyCharts = => {
const chart = chartList.find(item => item.code === code)
const copyChart = _.cloneDeep(chart)
copyChart.code = `${copyChart.code}_${additionCode}`
copyChart.key = `${copyChart.key}_${additionCode}` = ( && !== 'tempGroup') ? `${}_${additionCode}` : ''
copyChart.x += 50
copyChart.y += 50
return copyChart
// 将复制的组件添加到chartList中
state.pageInfo.chartList = [...copyCharts, ...state.pageInfo.chartList]
function changeZIndexFuc (state, list) {
const len = list?.length - 1 || 0
list.forEach((item, i) => {
const index = state.pageInfo.chartList.findIndex(
_item => _item.code === item.code
Vue.set(state.pageInfo.chartList[len - index], 'z', i)
// 改变当前组件的卡尺对齐线
function changePresetLine (state, { x, y, w, h }) {
state.presetLine = [
{ type: 'h', site: y || 0 },
{ type: 'v', site: x || 0 }
function changeGroup (code, state) {
if (code) {
// 找到和此组件group相同的组件并添加到activeCodes中
const group = state.pageInfo.chartList?.find(item => item.code === code)?.group
if (group) {
state.activeCodes = state.pageInfo.chartList?.filter(chart => === group && => item.code)
if (state.shiftKeyDown) {
state.activeCodes = _.uniq([...state.activeCodes, code])
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
state.pageInfo.chartList?.forEach(chart => {
if (state.activeCodes.includes(chart.code)) { = 'tempGroup'
} else {
if (!group) {
state.activeCodes = [code]
} else {
state.activeCodes = []
state.pageInfo.chartList = state.pageInfo.chartList?.map(chart => ({
group: === 'tempGroup' ? '' :
function saveTimeLineFunc (state, title, time) {
// 最多保存10个状态
const MAX_TIME_LINE = 10
const stateCopy = _.cloneDeep(state.pageInfo)
const date = new Date()
time = time || moment(date).format('HH:mm:ss')
stateCopy.timelineTitle = title
stateCopy.updateTime = time
if (!Array.isArray(state.timelineStore)) {
state.timelineStore = []
if (!Number.isInteger(state.currentTimeLine)) {
state.currentTimeLine = 0
if (state.timelineStore.length >= MAX_TIME_LINE) {
// 去掉最早的一个
state.currentTimeLine = state.timelineStore?.length