You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

335 lines
11 KiB

* @description: bigScreen公共方法
* @Date: 2023-03-24 17:10:43
* @Author: xing.heng
// import _ from 'lodash'
import { mapMutations, mapState } from 'vuex'
import { EventBus } from 'data-room-ui/js/utils/eventBus'
import { getChatInfo, getUpdateChartInfo } from '../api/bigScreenApi'
import axiosFormatting from '../../js/utils/httpParamsFormatting'
import { settingToTheme } from 'data-room-ui/js/utils/themeFormatting'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
export default {
data () {
return {
filterList: [],
treeParentId: 0,
dataLoading: false
watch: {
'config.expression': { // 表达式发生变化
handler (val) {
// 标题发生变化时需要及时更新表达式中的数据集库的字段名
'config.title': {
handler (val, oldVal) {
this.updateDataset({ code: this.config.code, title: val, data: [], oldTitle: oldVal, isChangeTitle: true })
this.updateComputedDatas({ code: this.config.code, title: val, data: [], oldTitle: oldVal, isChangeTitle: true })
currentDataset: { // 关联的数据发生变化
handler (val, old) {
if (val && Object.keys(val).length && JSON.stringify(val) !== JSON.stringify(old)) {
deep: true,
immediate: true
currentComputedDatas: { // 关联的数据发生变化
handler (val, old) {
if (val && Object.keys(val).length && JSON.stringify(val) !== JSON.stringify(old)) {
deep: true,
immediate: true
computed: {
pageCode: state => state.bigScreen.pageInfo.code,
customTheme: state => state.bigScreen.pageInfo.pageConfig.customTheme,
activeCode: state => state.bigScreen.activeCode
// dataset: state => state.bigScreen.dataset
// 所有组件的数据集合
dataset () {
return this.$store.state.bigScreen.dataset
// 所有组件的数据集合
computedDatas () {
return this.$store.state.bigScreen.computedDatas
// 跟当前组件计算表达式关联的组件的数据集合
currentDataset () {
const newDataset = {}
this.config.expressionCodes?.forEach(item => {
const code = item.split('_')[1]
for (const key in this.dataset) {
const objCode = key.split('_')[1]
if (objCode === code) {
newDataset[code] = this.dataset[key]
return newDataset
// 跟当前组件计算表达式关联的组件的数据集合
currentComputedDatas () {
const newDataset = {}
this.config.expressionCodes?.forEach(item => {
const code = item.split('_')[1]
for (const key in this.computedDatas) {
const objCode = key.split('_')[1]
if (objCode === code) {
newDataset[code] = this.computedDatas[key]
return newDataset
isPreview () {
return (this.$route.path === window?.BS_CONFIG?.routers?.previewUrl) || (this.$route.path === '/big-screen/preview')
mounted () {
if (!['tables', 'flyMap', 'map'].includes(this.config.type)) {
methods: {
changeChartConfig: 'bigScreen/changeChartConfig',
changeActiveItemConfig: 'bigScreen/changeActiveItemConfig',
updateDataset: 'bigScreen/updateDataset',
updateComputedDatas: 'bigScreen/updateComputedDatas'
* 初始化组件
chartInit () {
let config = this.config
// key和code相等说明是一进来刷新调用list接口
if (this.isPreview) {
// 改变样式
config = this.changeStyle(config) ? this.changeStyle(config) : config
// 改变数据
config = this.changeDataByCode(config)
} else {
// 否则说明是更新这里的更新只指更新数据改变样式时是直接调取changeStyle方法因为更新数据会改变key,调用chart接口
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
config = this.changeData(config)
* 初始化组件时获取后端返回的数据, 返回数据和当前组件的配置_list
* @param settingConfig 设置时的配置不传则为当前组件的配置
* @returns {Promise<unknown>}
changeDataByCode (config) {
let currentPage = 1
let size = 10
if (config?.option?.pagination) {
currentPage = config.option.pagination.currentPage
size = config.option.pagination.pageSize
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
config.loading = true
// innerChartCode: this.pageCode ? config.code : undefined,
chartCode: config.code,
current: currentPage,
pageCode: this.pageCode,
size: size,
type: config.type
}).then(async (res) => {
config.loading = false
let _res = cloneDeep(res)
// 如果是http数据集的前端代理则需要调封装的axios请求
if (res.executionByFrontend) {
if ( === 'http') {
_res = await axiosFormatting(
_res = this.httpDataFormatting(res, _res)
if ( === 'js') {
try {
const scriptAfterReplacement =\${(.*?)}/g, (match, p) => {
const value = this.config.dataSource?.params[p]
if (value === null || value === undefined || value === '') {
return "''"
} else if (!isNaN(value)) {
return value || p
} else {
return `'${value}' || '${p}'`
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
const scriptMethod = new Function(scriptAfterReplacement) = scriptMethod()
} catch (error) {'JS数据集脚本执行失败', error)
// 将后端返回的数据保存
if (_res.success) {
this.updateDataset({ code: config.code, title: config.title, data: _res?.data })
config = this.dataFormatting(config, _res)
}).catch((err) => {
}).finally(() => {
* @description: 更新chart
* @param {Object} config
* @param {Array} filterList
changeData (config, filterList) {
const list = config?.paramsList?.map((item) => {
if (item.value === '${level}') {
return { ...item, value: config.customize.level }
} else if (item.value === '${name}') {
return { ...item, value: config.customize.scope }
} else {
return item
const params = {
chart: {
paramsList: list ? [...list] : [],
option: undefined
current: 1,
pageCode: this.pageCode,
type: config.type,
filterList: filterList || this.filterList
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
config.loading = true
getUpdateChartInfo(params).then(async (res) => {
config.loading = false
let _res = cloneDeep(res)
// 如果是http数据集的前端代理则需要调封装的axios请求
if (res.executionByFrontend) {
if ( === 'http') {
_res = await axiosFormatting(
_res = this.httpDataFormatting(res, _res)
if ( === 'js') {
try {
params.filterList.forEach(item => {
this.config.dataSource.params[item.column] = item.value
const scriptAfterReplacement =\${(.*?)}/g, (match, p) => {
const value = this.config.dataSource?.params[p]
if (value === null || value === undefined || value === '') {
return "''"
} else if (!isNaN(value)) {
return value || p
} else {
return `'${value}' || '${p}'`
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
const scriptMethod = new Function(scriptAfterReplacement) = scriptMethod()
} catch (error) {'JS数据集脚本执行失败', error)
// 将后端返回的数据保存
if (_res.success) {
this.updateDataset({ code: config.code, title: config.title, data: _res?.data })
config = this.dataFormatting(config, _res)
if (this.chart) {
// 单指标组件和多指标组件的changeData传参不同
if (['Liquid', 'Gauge', 'RingProgress', 'Progress'].includes(config.chartType)) {
} else {
} if (this.config.type === 'candlestick' && this.charts) {
this.updateChartData(config, _res)
} else if (this.charts) {
// 地图组件的被联动更新
}).catch(err => {
}).finally(() => {
if (config) {
config.loading = false
// 更新图表数据
updateChartData () {
// http前台代理需要对返回的数据进行重新组装
httpDataFormatting (chartRes, httpRes) {
let result = {}
result = {
columnData: chartRes.columnData,
data: httpRes,
success: chartRes.success
return result
dataFormatting (config, data) {
// 覆盖
newChart (option) {
// 覆盖
// 通过表达式计算获取组件的值
getDataByExpression (config) {
// 覆盖
changeStyle (config) {
config = { ...this.config, ...config }
// 样式改变时更新主题配置
config.theme = settingToTheme(cloneDeep(config), this.customTheme)
if (config.code === this.activeCode) {
// 缓存组件数据监听
watchCacheData () {
EventBus.$on('cacheDataInit', (data, dataSetId) => {
// 如果是缓存数据集
// 且当前组件的businessKey和缓存的dataSetId相等时更新组件
if (
this.config.dataSource.dataSetType === '2' &&
this.config.dataSource.businessKey === dataSetId
) {
const config = this.dataFormatting(this.config, data)
config.key = new Date().getTime()