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148.00 L 336.72 147.84 L 336.29 147.41 L 336.29 147.41 L 336.11 146.81 L 336.23 146.20 L 337.01 144.17 L 337.34 142.63 L 334.32 141.10 L 331.83 139.21 L 329.81 136.94 L 328.27 134.33 L 327.34 131.54 L 327.00 128.50 L 327.29 125.69 L 328.09 123.10 L 329.39 120.69 L 331.11 118.53 L 333.20 116.68 L 335.67 115.12 L 338.37 113.98 L 341.30 113.27 L 344.50 113.00 L 347.70 113.27 L 350.63 113.98 L 353.33 115.12 L 355.80 116.68 L 357.89 118.53 L 359.61 120.69 L 360.91 123.10 L 361.71 125.69 L 362.00 128.50 L 362.00 128.50 Z M 344.93 141.25 L 347.47 140.98 L 349.79 140.36 L 351.93 139.41 L 353.90 138.13 L 355.55 136.64 L 356.92 134.91 L 357.96 132.98 L 358.59 130.93 L 358.82 128.72 L 358.58 126.45 L 357.93 124.35 L 356.86 122.40 L 355.45 120.65 L 353.75 119.16 L 351.72 117.90 L 349.52 116.97 L 347.12 116.40 L 344.50 116.18 L 341.88 116.40 L 339.48 116.97 L 337.28 117.90 L 335.25 119.16 L 333.55 120.65 L 332.14 122.40 L 331.07 124.35 L 330.42 126.45 L 330.18 128.72 L 330.47 131.22 L 331.27 133.52 L 332.58 135.67 L 334.30 137.53 L 336.42 139.07 L 338.99 140.29 L 339.00 140.30 L 339.11 140.36 L 339.11 140.36 L 339.65 140.91 L 339.92 141.72 L 339.96 142.71 L 339.51 144.82 L 340.57 144.46 L 341.80 143.84 L 342.95 142.98 L 344.05 141.74 L 344.09 141.70 L 344.09 141.70 L 344.31 141.50 L 344.43 141.40 L 344.43 141.40 L 344.68 141.31 L 344.84 141.27 L 344.93 141.25 L 344.93 141.25 Z M 350.86 124.14 L 350.86 124.14 L 351.49 124.26 L 351.99 124.60 L 352.33 125.10 L 352.45 125.73 L 352.33 126.35 L 351.99 126.85 L 351.49 127.19 L 350.86 127.32 L 338.14 127.32 L 338.14 127.32 L 337.51 127.19 L 337.01 126.85 L 336.67 126.35 L 336.55 125.73 L 336.67 125.10 L 337.01 124.60 L 337.51 124.26 L 338.14 124.14 L 350.86 124.14 L 350.86 124.14 Z M 338.14 130.50 L 344.50 130.50 L 344.50 130.50 L 345.12 130.63 L 345.63 130.97 L 345.96 131.47 L 346.09 132.09 L 345.96 132.72 L 345.63 133.22 L 345.12 133.56 L 344.50 133.68 L 338.13 133.68 L 338.13 133.68 L 337.51 133.56 L 337.01 133.22 L 336.67 132.72 L 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