You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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style="width: 100%;height: 100%"
class="bs-design-wrap bs-custom-component"
:class="{'light-theme':customTheme === 'light','auto-theme':customTheme !=='light'}"
style="width: 100%;height: 100%"
<!-- <span style="color:#ffffff">{{}}</span>-->
import 'insert-css'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
import linkageMixins from 'data-room-ui/js/mixins/linkageMixins'
import commonMixins from 'data-room-ui/js/mixins/commonMixins'
import { mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex'
import plotList, { getCustomPlots } from '../G2Plots/plotList'
import { settingToTheme } from 'data-room-ui/js/utils/themeFormatting'
import _ from 'lodash'
import * as echarts from 'echarts'
export default {
name: 'PlotCustomComponent',
mixins: [commonMixins, linkageMixins],
props: {
config: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
data () {
return {
chart: null,
hasData: false,
computed: {
...mapState('bigScreen', {
pageInfo: state => state.pageInfo,
customTheme: state => state.pageInfo.pageConfig.customTheme,
activeCode: state => state.activeCode
chatId () {
let prefix = 'chart_'
if (this.$route.path === window?.BS_CONFIG?.routers?.previewUrl) {
prefix = 'preview_chart_'
if (this.$route.path === window?.BS_CONFIG?.routers?.designUrl) {
prefix = 'design_chart_'
if (this.$route.path === window?.BS_CONFIG?.routers?.pageListUrl) {
prefix = 'management_chart_'
return prefix + this.config.code
created () {
this.plotList = [...this.plotList, ...getCustomPlots()]
watch: {
// 监听主题变化手动触发组件配置更新
'config.option.theme': {
handler (val) {
if (val) {
this.changeStyle(this.config, true)
mounted () {
beforeDestroy () {
if (this.chart) {
methods: {
...mapMutations('bigScreen', ['changeChartConfig', 'changeActiveItemConfig', 'changeChartLoading']),
chartInit () {
let config = this.config
// key和code相等说明是一进来刷新调用list接口
if (this.config.code === this.config.key || this.isPreview) {
// 改变样式
config = this.changeStyle(config)
// 改变数据
config.loading = true
this.changeDataByCode(config).then((res) => {
// 初始化图表
config.loading = false
}).catch(() => {
} else {
config.loading = true
// 否则说明是更新这里的更新只指更新数据改变样式时是直接调取changeStyle方法因为更新数据会改变key,调用chart接口
this.changeData(config).then((res) => {
config.loading = false
// 初始化图表
* 构造chart
newChart (config) {
const chartDom = document.getElementById(this.chatId)
const myChart = echarts.init(chartDom)
config.option && myChart.setOption(config.option)
* 注册事件
registerEvent () {
// 图表添加事件进行数据联动
let formData = {}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
this.chart.on('tooltip:change', (...args) => {
formData = {}
formData = cloneDeep(args[0].data.items[0].data)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
this.chart.on('plot:click', (...args) => {
// 将config.setting的配置转化为option里的配置这里之所以将转化的方法提出来是因为在改变维度指标和样式的时候都需要转化
transformSettingToOption (config, type) {
let option = null
config.setting.forEach(set => {
if (set.optionField) {
const optionField = set.optionField.split('.')
option = config.option
optionField.forEach((field, index) => {
if (index === optionField.length - 1) {
// 数据配置时,必须有值才更新
if ((set.tabName === type && type === 'data' && set.value) || (set.tabName === type && type === 'custom')) {
option[field] = set.value
} else {
option = option[field]
config.option = { ...config.option, ...option }
return config
dataFormatting (config, data) {
// 数据返回成功则赋值
if (data.success) {
data =
config = this.transformSettingToOption(config, 'data')
// 获取到后端返回的数据,有则赋值
const option = config.option
const setting = config.setting
if (config.dataHandler) {
try {
// 此处函数处理data
} catch (e) {
config.option = this.echartsOptionFormatting(config, data)
} else {
// 数据返回失败则赋前端的模拟数据
// = this.plotList?.find(plot => === || config?.option?.data
return config
getxDataAndYData (xField, yField, data, hasSeries) {
let list = []
let xData = []
let yData = []
const uniqueData = {}
// 遍历原始数据数组
data.forEach((item) => {
// 使用城市名称作为键,覆盖旧数据,始终保留最后一条数据
uniqueData[item[xField]] = item
// 将唯一数据对象的值(即去重后的数据)转换回数组
list = Object.values(uniqueData)
xData = => item[xField])
yData = => item[yField])
return { xData, yData }
// 格式化echarts的配置
echartsOptionFormatting (config, data) {
const option = config.option
// 分组字段
const xField = config.setting.find(item => item.optionField === 'xField')?.value
const yField = config.setting.find(item => item.optionField === 'yField')?.value
const hasSeries = config.setting.find(item => item.optionField === 'seriesField' && item.value !== '')
const { xData, yData } = this.getxDataAndYData(xField, yField, data, hasSeries)
// const xData = [ Set( => item[xField]))]
// const yData = => item[yField])
const maxY = Math.max(...yData)
// 生成阴影柱子的值
const shadowData = Array.from({ length: xData.length }, () => maxY)
option.xAxis = => {
return {
data: xData
// 判断是否存在分组字段
if (hasSeries) {
const seriesField = config.setting.find(item => item.optionField === 'seriesField')?.value
const seriesFieldList = [ Set( => item[seriesField]))]
option.series = []
for (const seriesFieldItem of seriesFieldList) {
const seriesData = (data.filter(item => item[seriesField] === seriesFieldItem))?.map(item => item[yField])
const seriesItem = [
name: seriesFieldItem + '柱子顶部',
type: 'pictorialBar',
tooltip: { show: false },
symbol: 'diamond',
symbolSize: [30, 10],
symbolOffset: ['-60%', -5],
symbolPosition: 'end',
z: 15,
zlevel: 2,
color: 'rgba(2, 175, 249,1)',
data: seriesData
name: seriesFieldItem,
type: 'bar',
barGap: '20%',
barWidth: 30,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
offset: 0,
color: '#115ba6'
offset: 1,
color: '#1db0dd'
opacity: 0.8,
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', // 阴影颜色
shadowBlur: 0 // 阴影模糊值
label: {
show: false
zlevel: 2,
z: 12,
data: seriesData
name: seriesFieldItem + '柱子底部',
type: 'pictorialBar',
tooltip: { show: false },
symbol: 'diamond',
symbolSize: [30, 10],
symbolOffset: ['-60%', 5],
zlevel: 2,
z: 15,
color: 'rgb(2, 192, 255)',
data: seriesData
name: seriesFieldItem + '背景柱子',
type: 'bar',
tooltip: { show: false },
xAxisIndex: 1,
barGap: '20%',
data: shadowData,
zlevel: 1,
barWidth: 30,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(9, 44, 76,.8)'
name: seriesFieldItem + '背景柱子顶部',
type: 'pictorialBar',
tooltip: { show: false },
symbol: 'diamond',
symbolSize: [30, 10],
symbolOffset: ['-60%', -5],
symbolPosition: 'end',
z: 15,
color: 'rgb(15, 69, 133)',
zlevel: 1,
data: shadowData
} else {
option.series = [
id: 'barTopColor', // 用于区分是图表的什么部分
type: 'pictorialBar', // 象形柱图
symbol: 'diamond',
symbolOffset: [0, '-50%'], // 上部菱形
symbolSize: [30, 15],
// symbolOffset: [0, -6], // 上部椭圆
symbolPosition: 'end',
z: 12,
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top',
fontSize: 15,
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#27a7ce'
color: option.seriesCustom.barTopColor,
data: yData
id: 'barBottomColor', // 用于区分是图表的什么部分
type: 'pictorialBar',
symbol: 'diamond',
symbolSize: [30, 15],
symbolOffset: ['0%', '50%'], // 下部菱形
// symbolOffset: [0, 7], // 下部椭圆
z: 12,
color: option.seriesCustom.barBottomColor,
data: yData
id: 'barColor', // 用于区分是图表的什么部分
type: 'bar',
barWidth: 30,
z: 10,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
offset: 0,
color: option.seriesCustom.barColor1
offset: 1,
color: option.seriesCustom.barColor2
opacity: 0.8,
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', // 阴影颜色
shadowBlur: 0 // 阴影模糊值
data: yData
id: 'shadowColor', // 用于区分是图表的什么部分
type: 'bar',
barWidth: 30,
xAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: option.seriesCustom.shadowColor,
opacity: 0.8,
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', // 阴影颜色
shadowBlur: 0 // 阴影模糊值
label: {
show: false
tooltip: {
show: false
data: shadowData
id: 'shadowTopColor', // 用于区分是图表的什么部分
type: 'pictorialBar', // 象形柱图
xAxisIndex: 1,
symbol: 'diamond',
symbolOffset: [0, '-50%'], // 上部菱形
symbolSize: [30, 15],
// symbolOffset: [0, -6], // 上部椭圆
symbolPosition: 'end',
z: 12,
label: {
normal: {
show: false,
position: 'top',
fontSize: 15,
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#27a7ce'
color: option.seriesCustom.shadowTopColor,
tooltip: {
show: false
data: shadowData
return option
// 对series里面的样式进行配置
seriesStyle (config) {
// 如果
for (const item of config.option.seriesCustom) {
if ( === 'shadowTopColor') {
item.color = config.seriesCustom.shadowTopColor
// 组件的样式改变返回改变后的config
changeStyle (config, isUpdateTheme) {
config = { ...this.config, ...config }
config = this.transformSettingToOption(config, 'custom')
// 这里定义了option和setting是为了保证在执行eval时,optionHandler、dataHandler里面可能会用到
const option = config.option
const setting = config.setting
if (this.config.optionHandler) {
try {
// 此处函数处理config
} catch (e) {
// 只有样式改变时更新主题配置,切换主题时不需要保存
if (!isUpdateTheme) {
config.theme = settingToTheme(_.cloneDeep(config), this.customTheme)
if (config.code === this.activeCode) {
if (this.chart) {
return config
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '../assets/style/echartStyle';
background-color: #FFFFFF;
color: #000000;
background-color: transparent;