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L 185.85 99.68 L 185.85 98.00 L 185.86 95.91 L 185.86 94.24 Z" fill="#4197d8" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="68" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="28.145355" target-width="13.035599" target-x="172.8278" target-y="94.23634"></path><path d="M 185.85 97.81 L 172.82 120.68 L 172.82 123.31 L 172.81 125.86 L 185.84 102.96 L 185.84 100.39 L 185.85 97.81 Z" fill="#4197d8" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="69" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="28.049248" target-width="13.035599" target-x="172.81451" target-y="97.814125"></path><path d="M 185.84 101.42 L 172.82 124.29 L 172.81 125.97 L 172.81 127.99 L 172.81 129.57 L 185.82 107.03 L 185.83 105.31 L 185.83 103.14 L 185.84 101.42 L 185.84 101.42 Z" fill="#4197d8" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="70" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="28.148994" target-width="13.028351" target-x="172.80725" 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fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="72" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="101.374466" target-width="74.82545" target-x="98.10151" target-y="38.478333"></path><path d="M 120.34 68.00 L 119.24 65.74 L 117.87 63.64 L 117.56 63.25 L 117.38 63.03 L 116.94 62.51 L 115.62 61.18 L 115.13 60.76 L 114.71 60.43 L 113.89 59.87 L 113.52 59.64 L 113.40 59.57 L 112.37 59.07 L 111.93 58.90 L 111.47 58.76 L 111.00 58.65 L 109.62 58.55 L 109.35 58.58 L 108.87 58.67 L 108.62 58.74 L 107.83 59.09 L 107.38 59.35 L 107.33 59.38 L 106.17 60.06 L 106.10 60.10 L 106.11 60.09 L 105.18 60.84 L 104.46 61.90 L 103.97 63.34 L 103.75 65.29 L 104.03 67.88 L 104.84 70.61 L 106.09 73.22 L 107.71 75.61 L 109.65 77.69 L 111.76 79.24 L 113.46 80.02 L 114.94 80.33 L 116.34 80.24 L 117.52 79.77 L 117.47 79.80 L 117.87 79.57 L 119.12 78.84 L 120.12 78.01 L 120.83 77.00 L 121.28 75.78 L 121.50 74.52 L 121.53 73.24 L 121.18 70.57 L 120.34 68.00 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="73" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="21.774609" target-width="17.778946" target-x="103.753815" target-y="58.552227"></path><path d="M 107.33 59.38 L 106.17 60.06 L 106.09 60.10 L 106.09 60.10 L 107.52 59.61 L 107.54 59.26 L 107.33 59.38 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="74" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="0.84426117" target-width="1.4432983" target-x="106.09406" target-y="59.257805"></path><path d="M 107.38 59.35 L 107.38 59.63 L 107.38 59.63 L 108.10 59.56 L 108.05 58.98 L 107.70 59.16 L 107.38 59.35 L 107.38 59.35 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="75" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="0.6544876" target-width="0.72527313" target-x="107.37901" target-y="58.97557"></path><path d="M 108.62 58.74 L 108.62 58.74 L 107.83 59.09 L 107.83 59.58 L 107.83 59.58 L 109.03 59.63 L 109.09 58.63 L 109.09 58.63 L 108.62 58.74 L 108.62 58.74 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="76" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="0.9999771" target-width="1.2607727" target-x="107.8311" target-y="58.627647"></path><path d="M 108.87 58.67 L 108.87 59.60 L 109.55 59.72 L 109.52 58.56 L 109.52 58.56 L 108.87 58.67 L 108.87 58.67 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="77" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="1.1629906" target-width="0.6793442" target-x="108.86824" target-y="58.56196"></path><path d="M 109.35 58.58 L 109.35 59.68 L 109.65 59.76 L 109.95 59.84 L 109.83 58.54 L 109.83 58.54 L 109.35 58.58 L 109.35 58.58 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="78" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="1.2931595" target-width="0.60440063" target-x="109.35055" target-y="58.54371"></path><path d="M 109.62 58.55 L 109.62 59.75 L 109.62 59.75 L 111.42 60.45 L 111.24 58.70 L 111.24 58.70 L 109.62 58.55 L 109.62 58.55 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="79" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="1.8953323" target-width="1.796257" target-x="109.62132" target-y="58.553444"></path><path d="M 111.00 58.65 L 111.00 60.24 L 111.32 60.40 L 111.76 60.64 L 111.69 58.83 L 111.69 58.83 L 111.00 58.65 L 111.00 58.65 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="80" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="1.987793" target-width="0.7603302" target-x="110.999344" target-y="58.651978"></path><path d="M 111.46 58.76 L 111.46 60.48 L 111.86 60.71 L 112.26 60.95 L 112.14 58.99 L 111.81 58.86 L 111.46 58.76 L 111.46 58.76 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="81" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="2.186081" target-width="0.79901123" target-x="111.46231" target-y="58.759033"></path><path d="M 111.92 58.91 L 111.92 60.74 L 112.33 61.00 L 112.74 61.27 L 112.63 59.19 L 112.28 59.04 L 111.92 58.91 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="82" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="2.364914" target-width="0.8159332" target-x="111.924065" target-y="58.905014"></path><path d="M 112.37 59.07 L 112.37 61.02 L 113.05 61.51 L 113.71 62.04 L 113.66 59.72 L 113.66 59.72 L 112.37 59.07 L 112.37 59.07 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="83" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="2.9646568" target-width="1.3453903" target-x="112.36527" target-y="59.07046"></path><path d="M 113.52 59.64 L 113.40 59.57 L 113.40 61.76 L 113.78 62.09 L 114.16 62.43 L 114.17 60.04 L 113.84 59.84 L 113.52 59.64 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="84" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="2.8539505" target-width="0.7712021" target-x="113.39638" target-y="59.572884"></path><path d="M 113.89 59.87 L 113.89 62.19 L 114.42 62.70 L 114.94 63.22 L 114.89 60.57 L 114.40 60.21 L 113.89 59.87 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="85" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="3.344204" target-width="1.0407715" target-x="113.894394" target-y="59.873363"></path><path d="M 114.71 60.44 L 114.71 62.97 L 115.02 63.32 L 115.34 63.66 L 115.35 60.95 L 115.02 60.67 L 114.71 60.44 L 114.71 60.44 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="86" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="3.2274208" target-width="0.6382446" target-x="114.70912" target-y="60.43661"></path><path d="M 115.13 60.77 L 115.13 63.43 L 115.50 63.85 L 115.86 64.29 L 115.86 61.40 L 115.49 61.07 L 115.13 60.77 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="87" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="3.520607" target-width="0.72527313" target-x="115.13099" target-y="60.765068"></path><path d="M 115.62 61.18 L 115.62 64.00 L 116.42 65.07 L 117.17 66.18 L 117.13 62.73 L 117.13 62.73 L 115.62 61.18 L 115.62 61.18 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="88" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="4.9974594" target-width="1.5424118" target-x="115.62297" target-y="61.18477"></path><path d="M 116.94 62.51 L 116.94 65.82 L 117.24 66.31 L 117.54 66.81 L 117.48 63.15 L 116.94 62.51 L 116.94 62.51 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="89" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="4.2967415" target-width="0.5971451" target-x="116.94176" target-y="62.51199"></path><path d="M 117.51 63.25 L 117.38 63.03 L 117.38 66.54 L 117.63 67.15 L 117.86 67.76 L 117.82 63.81 L 117.51 63.25 L 117.51 63.25 Z M 117.44 79.81 L 117.72 79.57 L 117.72 79.53 L 117.72 79.53 L 117.44 79.81 L 117.44 79.81 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="形状" node-id="90" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="16.782753" target-width="0.475235" target-x="117.38418" target-y="63.029007"></path><path d="M 120.34 68.00 L 120.34 68.00 L 119.24 65.74 L 117.87 63.64 L 117.87 67.42 L 118.55 68.87 L 119.43 71.52 L 119.81 74.28 L 119.76 75.66 L 119.48 77.05 L 118.93 78.33 L 118.04 79.39 L 117.87 79.53 L 117.87 79.57 L 119.12 78.84 L 120.11 78.01 L 120.83 77.00 L 121.28 75.78 L 121.28 75.78 L 121.50 74.52 L 121.53 73.24 L 121.18 70.57 L 120.34 68.00 L 120.34 68.00 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="91" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="15.921783" target-width="3.6674728" target-x="117.866486" target-y="63.64457"></path><path d="M 111.81 60.67 L 113.91 62.21 L 115.86 64.29 L 117.48 66.68 L 118.73 69.29 L 119.54 72.02 L 119.81 74.62 L 119.59 76.56 L 119.10 78.01 L 118.38 79.06 L 117.44 79.82 L 116.31 80.25 L 115.04 80.34 L 113.54 80.03 L 111.75 79.24 L 109.65 77.69 L 107.71 75.62 L 106.09 73.22 L 104.83 70.61 L 104.02 67.88 L 103.75 65.29 L 103.97 63.34 L 104.46 61.90 L 105.18 60.84 L 106.12 60.09 L 107.25 59.65 L 108.52 59.57 L 110.02 59.87 L 111.81 60.67 Z" fill="#b6e8fd" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="92" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="20.771637" target-width="16.06009" target-x="103.750175" target-y="59.565735"></path><path d="M 164.00 104.21 L 164.00 104.21 L 163.72 103.20 L 163.08 102.37 L 163.08 102.37 L 162.44 101.92 L 162.42 101.91 L 161.62 101.53 L 160.84 101.21 L 160.07 100.95 L 160.07 100.95 L 158.74 100.63 L 158.61 100.61 L 157.84 100.53 L 157.84 100.53 L 156.33 100.55 L 154.84 100.84 L 153.31 101.41 L 151.86 102.17 L 150.22 103.14 L 150.34 103.07 L 148.57 104.18 L 147.86 104.64 L 147.86 104.64 L 146.87 105.06 L 145.82 105.31 L 145.81 105.31 L 145.81 105.31 L 144.68 105.31 L 143.58 105.03 L 143.58 105.03 L 142.28 104.44 L 142.28 104.44 L 140.44 103.29 L 139.41 102.49 L 136.94 100.21 L 135.75 99.00 L 133.35 96.63 L 131.99 95.35 L 131.19 94.64 L 131.19 94.64 L 127.95 92.11 L 127.38 91.71 L 127.38 91.71 L 125.53 90.53 L 123.59 89.49 L 123.59 89.49 L 121.21 88.58 L 118.72 88.03 L 118.72 88.03 L 116.20 87.89 L 113.68 88.16 L 113.68 88.16 L 111.29 88.79 L 109.02 89.77 L 106.92 90.99 L 106.92 90.99 L 105.86 91.65 L 105.54 92.07 L 105.47 92.60 L 105.77 93.65 L 105.77 93.65 L 106.20 94.29 L 106.79 94.78 L 106.79 94.78 L 107.54 94.93 L 107.54 94.93 L 107.84 94.77 L 107.77 94.82 L 107.77 94.82 L 107.70 94.86 L 109.43 93.85 L 109.43 93.85 L 109.50 93.81 L 109.54 93.78 L 109.54 93.78 L 111.06 93.15 L 112.64 92.69 L 112.64 92.69 L 114.89 92.33 L 117.13 92.33 L 119.38 92.69 L 121.04 93.21 L 122.62 93.92 L 125.60 95.73 L 125.60 95.73 L 128.30 97.78 L 130.82 100.04 L 136.01 105.15 L 138.71 107.34 L 141.74 109.04 L 143.32 109.57 L 144.98 109.73 L 146.64 109.41 L 148.21 108.73 L 148.79 108.41 L 148.74 108.44 L 150.47 107.43 L 151.91 106.52 L 152.87 105.90 L 152.87 105.90 L 154.39 105.26 L 154.39 105.26 L 155.99 104.93 L 157.64 104.96 L 157.64 104.96 L 159.14 105.31 L 160.56 105.89 L 161.16 106.18 L 161.80 106.23 L 161.80 106.23 L 161.92 106.17 L 161.90 106.18 L 162.43 105.87 L 162.80 105.66 L 163.09 105.49 L 163.39 105.31 L 163.39 105.31 L 163.71 105.11 L 163.96 104.70 L 164.00 104.21 L 164.00 104.21 Z" fill="#dee8ff" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="93" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="21.834831" target-width="58.53119" target-x="105.46881" target-y="87.89143"></path><path d="M 123.59 89.49 L 123.59 89.49 L 121.21 88.58 L 118.72 88.03 L 118.72 88.03 L 116.20 87.89 L 113.69 88.15 L 113.69 88.15 L 111.30 88.78 L 109.03 89.76 L 106.91 90.98 L 106.69 91.11 L 106.69 91.11 L 108.90 90.04 L 111.25 89.31 L 111.25 89.31 L 113.76 88.93 L 116.30 88.96 L 116.30 88.96 L 118.85 89.41 L 121.30 90.24 L 123.59 91.41 L 125.76 92.79 L 126.82 93.54 L 127.87 94.33 L 127.90 92.06 L 125.78 90.68 L 123.59 89.49 L 123.59 89.49 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="94" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="6.443451" target-width="21.211868" target-x="106.68637" target-y="87.885345"></path><path d="M 127.96 92.10 L 127.38 91.70 L 127.38 93.96 L 129.89 96.02 L 130.79 96.85 L 131.68 97.69 L 131.63 95.02 L 131.63 95.02 L 127.96 92.10 L 127.96 92.10 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="95" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="5.9804" target-width="4.2972565" target-x="127.37846" target-y="91.70477"></path><path d="M 131.99 95.34 L 131.19 94.64 L 131.19 97.22 L 132.46 98.44 L 133.70 99.68 L 133.85 97.10 L 132.90 96.19 L 131.99 95.34 L 131.99 95.34 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="96" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="5.0449066" target-width="2.6545105" target-x="131.1922" target-y="94.63901"></path><path d="M 135.75 99.00 L 133.36 96.63 L 133.36 99.34 L 133.69 99.68 L 135.46 101.46 L 137.32 103.19 L 137.49 100.74 L 136.62 99.87 L 135.75 99.00 L 135.75 99.00 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="97" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="6.5655518" target-width="4.1352844" target-x="133.35593" target-y="96.6268"></path><path d="M 139.42 102.49 L 136.95 100.20 L 136.95 102.86 L 137.43 103.28 L 139.04 104.52 L 140.81 105.57 L 141.10 103.74 L 141.10 103.74 L 139.42 102.49 L 139.42 102.49 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="98" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="5.370926" target-width="4.151001" target-x="136.94846" target-y="100.200935"></path><path d="M 140.44 103.28 L 140.44 105.38 L 140.44 105.38 L 141.62 105.94 L 141.62 105.94 L 142.80 106.29 L 142.86 104.72 L 142.86 104.72 L 140.44 103.28 L 140.44 103.28 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="99" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="3.002365" target-width="2.4199982" target-x="140.44066" target-y="103.284805"></path><path d="M 143.59 105.03 L 143.59 105.03 L 142.28 104.43 L 142.28 106.17 L 142.28 106.17 L 143.83 106.34 L 143.83 106.34 L 144.98 106.11 L 146.07 105.68 L 146.17 105.25 L 146.17 105.25 L 144.86 105.31 L 143.59 105.03 L 143.59 105.03 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="100" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="1.9062805" target-width="3.8850555" target-x="142.28165" target-y="104.43442"></path><path d="M 145.83 105.30 L 145.81 105.30 L 145.81 105.80 L 146.09 105.68 L 148.39 104.36 L 148.62 104.23 L 148.08 104.53 L 146.99 105.02 L 145.83 105.30 L 145.83 105.30 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="101" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="1.5680923" target-width="2.8068237" target-x="145.81494" target-y="104.23004"></path><path d="M 156.46 101.57 L 156.46 101.57 L 158.14 101.90 L 158.10 100.55 L 158.10 100.55 L 156.46 100.54 L 154.84 100.84 L 153.30 101.41 L 151.85 102.18 L 150.22 103.14 L 150.22 103.14 L 151.67 102.38 L 153.21 101.82 L 153.21 101.82 L 154.82 101.54 L 156.46 101.57 L 156.46 101.57 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="102" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="2.5918884" target-width="7.922409" target-x="150.21979" target-y="100.5445"></path><path d="M 158.85 102.13 L 158.84 100.65 L 158.34 100.58 L 157.84 100.53 L 157.84 101.82 L 158.35 101.96 L 158.85 102.13 L 158.85 102.13 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="103" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="1.59729" target-width="1.0153809" target-x="157.83759" target-y="100.52939"></path><path d="M 159.57 102.40 L 159.94 102.56 L 160.31 102.73 L 160.41 101.05 L 160.41 101.05 L 158.73 100.63 L 158.61 100.61 L 158.61 102.04 L 159.57 102.40 L 159.57 102.40 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="104" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="2.1203842" target-width="1.7938538" target-x="158.61362" target-y="100.613335"></path><path d="M 160.35 102.75 L 160.35 102.75 L 161.00 103.09 L 161.08 101.30 L 160.57 101.11 L 160.07 100.95 L 160.07 102.62 L 160.35 102.75 L 160.35 102.75 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="105" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="2.144722" target-width="1.0105438" target-x="160.06781" target-y="100.946655"></path><path d="M 161.04 103.11 L 161.04 103.11 L 161.78 103.87 L 161.93 101.67 L 161.38 101.43 L 160.84 101.21 L 160.84 102.99 L 161.04 103.11 L 161.04 103.11 Z" fill="#90d6f4" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="106" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="2.6593094" target-width="1.0879059" target-x="160.84264" target-y="101.208206"></path><path d="M 161.80 103.90 L 161.80 103.90 L 162.26 105.11 L 162.23 105.71 L 161.90 106.18 L 162.75 105.68 L 162.63 102.02 L 162.13 101.76 L 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131.40 97.41 L 133.87 99.85 L 136.35 102.31 L 139.03 104.52 L 140.50 105.42 L 142.09 106.11 L 143.79 106.32 L 145.48 105.93 L 147.06 105.13 L 148.57 104.16 L 151.51 102.44 L 151.51 102.44 L 153.03 101.87 L 154.63 101.55 L 154.63 101.55 L 156.28 101.55 L 157.91 101.83 L 157.91 101.83 L 159.45 102.35 L 160.92 103.04 L 160.92 103.04 Z" fill="#b6e8fd" fill-rule="nonzero" group-id="1,2,7,8" id="路径" node-id="110" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" target-height="20.828941" target-width="56.80658" target-x="105.46973" target-y="88.898544"></path><path d="M 10.00 168.38 L 9.83 169.60 L 9.39 170.64 L 8.68 171.56 L 7.77 172.26 L 6.72 172.70 L 5.50 172.88 L 4.28 172.70 L 3.23 172.26 L 2.32 171.56 L 1.61 170.64 L 1.17 169.60 L 1.00 168.38 L 1.17 167.15 L 1.61 166.11 L 2.32 165.19 L 3.23 164.49 L 4.28 164.05 L 5.50 163.88 L 6.72 164.05 L 7.77 164.49 L 8.68 165.19 L 9.39 166.11 L 9.83 167.15 L 10.00 168.38 Z" fill="none" group-id="1,2" id="椭圆形复制" node-id="111" stroke="url(#linearGradient-8)" 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