You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

847 lines
32 KiB

1 year ago
//理论成绩管理 ---成绩评定
$(function () {
var PaperId = $.getUrlParam("PaperId");
var UserId = $.getUrlParam("UserId");
var ExamName = $.getUrlParam("ExamName")
GetPaperDetailList(PaperId, UserId);
LoadSubjectNum(PaperId, UserId,"",1);
LoadSubjectContent(PaperId, UserId);
$("#OptionSub span[spantag='charpter']").unbind("click").bind("click", function () {
$("#OptionSub span[spantag='charpter']").each(function (i, d) {
var questionType = $(this).attr("spanflag");
LoadSubjectNum(PaperId, UserId, questionType);
LoadSubjectContent(PaperId, UserId, questionType);
var obj = new Object();
$("#SetScore").unbind("blur").blur(function () {
//先要验证不为空 且不能大于相应分数
var NowScore = $(this).val();
var AnalysisTwo = $("#AnalysisTwo").val();
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function () {
var score = $("#OptionSub .active").attr("subjectscore") * 1;//或得标准分
if (NowScore > score) {
showValidateMsg("SetScore", "分数必须小于等于标准分");
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var NowScore = $("#SetScore").val();
var AnalysisTwo = $("#AnalysisTwo").val();
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obj["QuestionId"] = QuestionId;
obj["PaperId"] = PaperId;
obj["UserId"] = UserId;
obj["TeacAnalyse"] = AnalysisTwo;
if (!VerificationHelper.checkFrom("AccurateAnswerTwo", function () {
var score = $("#OptionSub .active").attr("subjectscore")*1;//或得标准分
if (NowScore > score) {
showValidateMsg("SetScore", "分数必须小于等于标准分");
})) {
} else {
$("#btnResult").unbind("click").bind("click", function () {
var QuestionId = $("#question_list_content .current").attr("spanflag");//问题id
var NowScore = $("#SetScore").val();
obj["TeacScore"] = NowScore;//或的教师分数
obj["QuestionId"] = QuestionId;
obj["PaperId"] = PaperId;
obj["UserId"] = UserId;
var statu = $("#AccurateAnswerTwo").css("display");
if (statu == "block") {
if (!VerificationHelper.checkFrom("AccurateAnswerTwo",
function () {
var score = $("#OptionSub .active").attr("subjectscore")*1;//或得标准分
if (NowScore > score) {
showValidateMsg("SetScore", "分数必须小于等于标准分");
})) {
} else {
SaveJump(obj, ExamName);
} else {
SaveJump(obj, ExamName);
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if (!VerificationHelper.checkFrom("AccurateAnswerTwo",
function () {
var score = $("#OptionSub .active").attr("subjectscore") * 1;//或得标准分
if (NowScore > score) {
showValidateMsg("SetScore", "分数必须小于等于标准分");
bo = true;
if (bo) {
return false;
var obj = GetSpanIndex();
var QuestionId = obj[1];
var QuestionIdTow = 0;
var index = obj.index;
QuestionIdTow = $("#question_list_content span[spanflag='" + QuestionId + "']").next().attr("spanflag");
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var bo = false;
var NowScore = $("#SetScore").val();
if ($("#AccurateAnswerTwo").css("display") != "none") {
if (!VerificationHelper.checkFrom("CaptionContent")) {
return false;
if (!VerificationHelper.checkFrom("AccurateAnswerTwo",
function () {
var score = $("#OptionSub .active").attr("subjectscore") * 1;//或得标准分
if (NowScore > score) {
showValidateMsg("SetScore", "分数必须小于等于标准分");
bo = true;
if (bo) {
return false;
var obj = GetSpanIndex();
var QuestionId = obj[1];
var QuestionIdTow = 0;
var index = obj.index;
QuestionIdTow = $("#question_list_content span[spanflag='" + QuestionId + "']").prev().attr("spanflag");
LoadSubjectContent(PaperId, UserId, "", QuestionIdTow)
$("#question_list_content span[spanflag='" + QuestionId + "']").removeClass("current").prev().addClass("current")
$("#btnCancel").unbind("click").bind("click", function () {
window.location.href = "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/ResultEveluate?PaperId=" + PaperId + "&ExamName=" + escape(ExamName);
//$("#btnNextSub").unbind("click").bind("click", function () {
// MoveHandel()
//$("#btnPrevSub").bind("click").bind("click", function () {
// MoveHandel()
function refreshSubject() {
$("#CaptionContent #SubjectNum").html("");
var subNum = $("#question_list_content .current").attr("spannum");
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$("#CaptionContent #SubjectNum").append("<span>" + subNum + "</span>");
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$("#CaptionContent #SubjectNum").append("<span>1</span>");
function disablebutton(tag) {
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falg = 1;
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function GetSpanIndex() {
var obj = new Array();
$("#question_list_content span[spantag='subjectnum']").each(function (index, dom) {
var num = index;
if ($(this).hasClass("current")) {
var QuestionId= $(this).attr("spanflag")
obj[0] = index;
obj[1] = QuestionId;
return false;
return obj;
function SaveScore(obj) {
url: "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/SetAnswerResult",
async: false,
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(obj),
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (data) {
if (data == 0) {
content: "保存失败"
} else {
$("#question_list_content .current").addClass("finish");
function SaveJump(obj, ExamName) {
url: "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/SetUserSummay",
async: false,
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(obj),
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (data) {
if (data.Result == false) {
content: "尚有未评分部分,是否确定退出?", success: function () {
window.location.href = "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/ResultEveluate?PaperId=" + obj.PaperId + "&ExamName=" +escape(ExamName);
} else {
if (data.Tag == false) {
window.location.href = "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/ResultEveluate?PaperId=" + obj.PaperId + "&ExamName=" + escape(ExamName);
} else {
window.location.href = "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/ResultList";
function GetPaperDetailList(PaperId, userId) {
var async = true;
url: "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/GetPaperDetailList",
async: false,
type: "POST",
data: {
PaperId: PaperId,
userId: userId
success: function (data) {
//if (!$.checkSignIn(data)) return;
if (data != null && data != "") {
var QID = 0;
var shtml = "";
//加载题目 <span class="">多选题</span>
$(data).each(function (index, dom) {
if (index == 0) {
shtml += "<span id=\"span_" + dom.Id + "\" spanflag=\"" + dom.CharpterID + "\" subjectscore=\"" + dom.Score + "\" spantag=\"charpter\" class=\"active\">" + dom.CharpterName + "</span>";
} else {
shtml += "<span id=\"span_" + dom.Id + "\" spanflag=\"" + dom.CharpterID + "\" subjectscore=\"" + dom.Score + "\" spantag=\"charpter\" class=\"\">" + dom.CharpterName + "</span>";
function LoadSubjectNum(PaperId, UserId, questionType, isStar) {
if (typeof isStar == undefined) {
isStar = null;//ispostback
url: "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/LoadSubjectNum",
type: "POST",
async: true,
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: false,
PaperId: PaperId,
userId: UserId,
questionType: questionType,
IsStart: isStar
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data != "") {
var spanHtml = "";
$(data.QuestionsListId).each(function (index, dom) {
var clacIndex = index + 1;
if (index == 0) { //初始。
if (dom.ReviseResult == true) {
spanHtml += "<span id=\"span_" + dom.Id + "\" spanFlag=\"" + dom.Id + "\" spantag=\"subjectnum\" spanNum =\"" + clacIndex + "\" class=\"finish current comfirst\">" + clacIndex + "</span>";
} else {
spanHtml += "<span id=\"span_" + dom.Id + "\" spanFlag=\"" + dom.Id + "\" spantag=\"subjectnum\" spanNum =\"" + clacIndex + "\" class=\"current comfirst\">" + clacIndex + "</span>";
} else {
if (index == data.QuestionsListId.length - 1) {
if (dom.ReviseResult == true) {
spanHtml += "<span id=\"span_" + dom.Id + "\" spanFlag=\"" + dom.Id + "\" spantag=\"subjectnum\" spanNum =\"" + clacIndex + "\" class=\"finish comlast\">" + clacIndex + "</span>";
} else {
spanHtml += "<span id=\"span_" + dom.Id + "\" spanFlag=\"" + dom.Id + "\" spantag=\"subjectnum\" spanNum =\"" + clacIndex + "\" class=\"comlast\">" + clacIndex + "</span>";
} else {
if (dom.ReviseResult == true) {
spanHtml += "<span id=\"span_" + dom.Id + "\" spanFlag=\"" + dom.Id + "\" spantag=\"subjectnum\" spanNum =\"" + clacIndex + "\" class=\"finish\">" + clacIndex + "</span>";
} else {
spanHtml += "<span id=\"span_" + dom.Id + "\" spanFlag=\"" + dom.Id + "\" spantag=\"subjectnum\" spanNum =\"" + clacIndex + "\" class=\"\">" + clacIndex + "</span>";
//$("#btnNext").addClass("btn-blue").attr("disabled", false);
//$("#btnPrev").addClass("btn-blue").attr("disabled", false);
$("#question_list_content span[spantag='subjectnum']").unbind("click").bind("click", function () {
$("#question_list_content span[spantag='subjectnum']").each(function (i, d) {
var QuestionId = $(this).attr("spanflag");
LoadSubjectContent(PaperId, UserId, "", QuestionId);
$("#CaptionContent #SubjectNum").html("");
$("#CaptionContent #SubjectNum").append("<span>1</span>");
if ($("#question_list_content span").length == 1) {
$("#btnPrev").removeClass("btn-blue").attr("disabled", true);
$("#btnNext").removeClass("btn-blue").attr("disabled", true);
} else {
//$("#btnNext").unbind("click").bind("click", function () {
// var obj = GetSpanIndex();
// var QuestionId = obj.QuestionId;
// var QuestionIdTow = 0;
// var index = obj.index;
// QuestionIdTow = $("#question_list_content span[spanflag='" + QuestionId + "']").next().attr("spanflag");
// alert(QuestionIdTow);
// //LoadSubjectContent(PaperId, userId, "", QuestionId)
function LoadSubjectContent(PaperId, userId, chaptionId, QuestionId) {
url: "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/LoadSubjectContent",
type: "POST",
async: true,
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: false,
QuestionId: QuestionId,
PaperId: PaperId,
userId: userId,
chaptionId: chaptionId
success: function (data) {
if (data.QuestionResult != null && data.QuestionResult != "") {
var QuestionResult = data.QuestionResult; //题目
var Context = QuestionResult.Context;
var libraryID = QuestionResult.LibraryID;
if (libraryID == 1)
var html = "";
if (QuestionResult.AttachmentList!=null){
// if (QuestionResult.AttachmentList.length>0) {
if (QuestionResult.AttachmentList.length > 0) {
$.each(QuestionResult.AttachmentList, function (i, item) {
var lastIndex = item.Name.lastIndexOf("\\");
var fullName = item.Name.substring(lastIndex + 1);
var _index = fullName.lastIndexOf(".");
var name = fullName.substring(0, _index);
html += " <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"DownLoad('" + item.FileUrl + "','" + name + "','" + item.Id + "')\"><img src=\"/Content/images/text-icon.png\"><span>附件" + i + 1 + "</span></a>";
} else {
} else {
var OptionList = QuestionResult.OptionList;
var trhtml = "";
if (QuestionResult.StructType == 1) {
$("#AccurateAnswer").show(); //隐藏
if (QuestionResult.Analysis != null) {
$("#OptionList ul").html("");
var html1 = "";
$.each(QuestionResult.OptionList, function (i, item) {
// html1 += " <li><label><input value=" + (i) + " type='radio' id='radioStu_" + i + "' ratag=\"sturadio\">" + GetAnswerStr(i + 1) + "</label><div class='inputtext'>" + item.OptionName + "</div></li>";
html1 += " <li><label><input value=" + (i) + " type='radio' id='radioStu_" + i + "' ratag=\"sturadio\">" + GetAnswerStr(i + 1) + "</label> <input type='text' disabled='disabled' class='inputtext' style='overflow:hidden' value='" + item.OptionName + "' /></li>";
$("#OptionList ul").html(html1);
if (data.UserAnswer != null) {
StudentAnswer(data.UserAnswer, 1);
} else if (QuestionResult.StructType == 2) {
$("#AccurateAnswer").show(); //隐藏
if (QuestionResult.Analysis != null) {
$("#OptionList ul").html("");
var html2 = "";
$.each(QuestionResult.OptionList, function (i, item) {
html2 += " <li><label><input value=" + (i) + " type='checkbox' id='checkStu_" + i + "'>" + GetAnswerStr(i + 1) + "</label> <input type='text' disabled='disabled' class='inputtext' style='overflow:hidden' value='" + item.OptionName + "' /></li>";
$("#OptionList ul").html(html2);
if (data.UserAnswer != null) {
StudentAnswer(data.UserAnswer, 2);
disabledHtml("CaptionContent", "", true, true, true)
} else if (QuestionResult.StructType == 3) {
$("#AccurateAnswer").show(); //隐藏
if (QuestionResult.Analysis != null) {
$("#OptionList ul").html("");
var html3 = "";
$.each(QuestionResult.OptionList, function (i, item) {
html3 += " <li><label><input value=" + (i) + " type='radio' id='judgeStu_" + i + "'>" + GetAnswerStr(i + 1) + "</label> <input type='text' disabled='disabled' class='inputtext' style='overflow:hidden' value='" + item.OptionName + "' /></li>";
$("#OptionList ul").html(html3);
AnswerList(QuestionResult.AnswerList, 3);//加载答案
if (data.UserAnswer != null) {
StudentAnswer(data.UserAnswer, 3);
disabledHtml("CaptionContent", true, "", true, true)
} else {
$("#AccurateAnswer").hide(); //隐藏
//if (QuestionResult.Analysis != null) {
// // $("#AnalysisMain").show();
// //解析隐藏}
$("#SetScore").attr("disabled", false);
$("#AnalysisTwo").attr("disabled", false);
$("#OptionList").html("<div class=\"ml53\"> <textarea id=\"StuAnalysis\" style=\"background-color: #e9e9e9\"></textarea></div>");
$("#OptionListMain strong").text("答案:");
// $("#AnalysisMain strong").text("评析:");
if (data.UserAnswer.length > 0) {
StudentAnswer(data.UserAnswer, QuestionResult.StructType);
if (data.UserAnswerResult != null) {
var teacherScore = data.UserAnswerResult.UserScore == null ? "" : data.UserAnswerResult.UserScore;
} else {
$("#SetScore").attr("disabled", true);
$("#AnalysisTwo").attr("disabled", true);
$("#AnalysisMain textarea").val("");
disabledHtml("ContextMain", "", "", "", true);
$("#OptionListMain textarea").attr("readonly", true);
$("#AccurateAnswerTwo strong").html("");
var score= $("#OptionSub .active").attr("subjectscore")*1;
var trhtml = "标准分:<span tag=\"" + score + "\">" + score + " 分</span>";
// var trhtml = "<strong>标准分:" + score + " 分</strong>";
//trhtml += " <div class=\"item-info input right\" id=\"AnswerList\"><span class=\"red\">*<span>得分:<input id=\"SetScore\" class=\"ipt-text\" type=\"text\"></div>"
$("#AccurateAnswerTwo strong").html(trhtml);
//选择题的时候 123
function pageReturn() {
var trhtml = "<strong><i class=\"c-red\">*</i>选项及答案:</strong>";
trhtml += "<div class=\"item-info\" id=\"OptionList\"> <ul></ul></div>"
trhtml = "";
//trhtml = "<strong>标准答案:</strong>";
//trhtml += "<div class=\"item-info\" id=\"AnswerList\"></div>"
// trhtml = "";
// $("#AnalysisMain strong").text("解析:");
function ClearText() {
$("#CaptionContent input[type='text']").val("");
$("#CaptionContent #SetScore").val("");
$("#CaptionContent #SetScore").next().remove();
$("#CaptionContent #AnalysisTwo").val("");
$("#CaptionContent #AnalysisTwo").next().remove();
function AnswerList(answerList, StructType) {
var trhtml = "";
if (StructType == 1 || StructType == 2) {
$(answerList).each(function (index, dom) {
if (dom.Answer1 != null) {
trhtml += "<lable>" + GetAnswerStr(dom.Answer1 + 1) + "</lable>";
} else if (StructType == 3) { //判断题
if (answerList[0].Answer1 != null) {
trhtml += "<lable>" + GetAnswerStr(answerList[0].Answer1 + 1) + "</lable>";
} else {
if (dom.Answer2 != null) {
trhtml += "<lable>" + GetAnswerStr(dom.Answer2 + 1) + "</lable>";
if (dom.Answer3 != null) {
trhtml += "<lable>" + GetAnswerStr(dom.Answer3 + 1) + "</lable>";
function AnalysisText(analysis) {
var newAnalysis = analysis == null ? "" : analysis;
function StudentAnswer(userAnswer, StructType) {
var stuResult = new Array();
if (StructType == 1 || StructType == 2 || StructType == 3) {
$(userAnswer).each(function (index, dom) {
if (StructType == 1) { //单选
$(stuResult).each(function (index, dom) {
$("#radioStu_" + dom).attr("checked", true);
} else if (StructType == 2) { //多选
$(stuResult).each(function (index, dom) {
$("#checkStu_" + dom).attr("checked", true);
} else if (StructType == 3) { //判断
$(stuResult).each(function (index, dom) {
$("#judgeStu_" + dom).attr("checked", true);
} else if (StructType == 4) {
var AnswerU = userAnswer[0] == null ? "" : userAnswer[0].Answer2
$("#OptionList textarea").val(AnswerU);
} else {
var AnswerU2 = userAnswer[0] == null ? "" : userAnswer[0].Answer3
$("#OptionList textarea").val(AnswerU2);
//禁用相应对象 层 单选,多选,文本框,文本域
function disabledHtml(div,disRadio,disCheckedBox,inpuText,areaText) {
//禁用所有输入框 和选择框
if (inpuText != ""&&inpuText != undefined) {
$("#" + div + " input[type='text']").attr("readonly", true);
} else {
$("#" + div + " input[type='text']").attr("readonly", false);
if (disRadio != "" && disRadio != undefined) {
$("#" + div + " input[type='radio']").attr("disabled", true);
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$("#" + div + " input[type='radio']").attr("disabled", false);
if (disCheckedBox != "" && disCheckedBox != undefined) {
$("#" + div + " input[type='checkbox']").attr("disabled", true);
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$("#" + div + " input[type='checkbox']").attr("disabled", false);
if (areaText != "" && areaText != undefined) {
$("#" + div + " textarea").attr("readonly", true);
} else {
$("#" + div + " textarea").attr("readonly", false);
//$("#" + div + " select").attr("readonly", true);
//$("#" + div + " input[type='button']").unbind("click").removeAttr("onclick").attr("disabled", true);
function disEnabled(div) {
$("#" + div + " input[type='text']").attr("readonly", false);
$("#" + div + " input[type='radio']").attr("disabled", false);
$("#" + div + " input[type='checkbox']").attr("disabled", false);
$("#" + div + " textarea").attr("readonly", false);
function GetAnswerStr(index) {
var result = "";
switch (index) {
case 1:
result = "A";
case 2:
result = "B";
case 3:
result = "C";
case 4:
result = "D";
case 5:
result = "E";
case 6:
result = "F";
case 7:
result = "G";
case 8:
result = "H";
case 9:
result = "I";
case 10:
result = "J";
return result;
function GetJudgetAnswer(Answer) {
var result = "";
switch (Answer) {
case 1:
result = "对";
case 2:
result = "错";
return result;
function DownLoad(path, name, Id) {
location.href = "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/DownloadFile?path=" + encodeURIComponent(path) + "&name=" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "&randomId=" + Math.random();
function MoveHandel() {
var wid = 65,//单个格子宽度
index = 1,//每次移动几个
$UI = $(this).children(".caption-list-title").children(".caption-switch").children("#OptionSub"),
$Pre = $(this).find(".prev"),
$Next = $(this).find(".next"),
Len = $UI.children("span").length,
Left = parseInt($UI.css("left"));
$ () {
Left = Left * 1 + index * wid;
if (Left > 0) {
Left = 0;
$UI.stop().animate({ left: Left });
$ () {
Left -= wid * index;
if (Left < -wid * (Len - 4)) {
Left = -wid * (Len - 4);
$UI.stop().animate({ left: Left });