You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
341 lines
11 KiB
341 lines
11 KiB
$(function () {
// GetResourceList();
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$("#labcurchapterName").text($("li[name='lichapter'] .active").text())
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function GetTheoryChaptList() {
url: "/Student/StuResource/GetTheoryChaptList",
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pageDiv: "#pages",
async: false,
bind: function (data) {
var html = "";
$(data.Data).each(function (index, dom) {
html += "<li name='lichapter'><a title=" + dom.ChapterName + " chapterid=" + dom.Id + "><div class=\"ellipsis\"><b class=\"ico " + PicCov1(dom.Id) + "\"></b>" + dom.ChapterName + "</div></a></li>";
$("#ultheoryChapter li:eq(0) a").addClass("active");
$("#hdchapterId").val($("li[name='lichapter'] .active").attr("chapterid"));
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function GetResourceList() {
url: "/Student/StuResource/GetResourceList",
type: "POST",
pageDiv: "#pages1",
ChapterId: $("#hdchapterId").val(),
bind: function (data) {
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// html += "<a href=\'" + dom.FilePath + "'\">下载</a>";
html += "<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"DownLoad('" + dom.FilePath + "','" + dom.ResourceName + "','" + dom.Id + "')\" >下载</a></div></div>";
html += "<p class='ellipsis' title=" + dom.ResourceName + ">" + dom.ResourceName + "</p></li>";
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return ResourceFile;
function DownLoad(path, name, Id) {
url: "/Student/StuResource/GetResource",
async: true,
type: "post",
data: { id: Id },
success: function (data) {
if (data==null) {
content: "该资源已失效,请联系教师或管理员",
else {
location.href = "/Student/StuResource/DownloadFile?path=" + encodeURIComponent(path)
+ "&name=" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "&randomId=" + Math.random();
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return false;
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return true;
return false;
function ShowTxtView(Extension) {
if (Extension == "txt") {
return true;
return false;
function showTxt(path, name, Id) {
url: "/Student/StuResource/GetResource",
async: true,
type: "post",
data: { id: Id },
success: function (data) {
if (data==null) {
content: "该资源已失效,请联系教师或管理员",
else {
url: "/Student/StuResource/ShowTxt?t=" + Math.random,
async: false,
type: "Post",
data: {
path: path,
name: name
success: function (data) {
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dialogHelper.Show("pop100", 820);
error: function (msg) {
dialogHelper.Error({ content: "加载条款信息失败,请尝试刷新!" });
function showImage(path, Id) {
url: "/Student/StuResource/GetResource",
async: true,
type: "post",
data: { id: Id },
success: function (data) {
if (data==null) {
content: "该资源已失效,请联系教师或管理员",
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function ShowLoad(path, name, Id) {
url: "/Student/StuResource/GetResource",
async: true,
type: "post",
data: { id: Id },
success: function (data) {
if (data==null)
content: "该资源已失效,请联系教师或管理员",
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content: "文件转换中,请等待。。。",
success: function () {
} else {
content: "文件预览失败!",