You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1175 lines
43 KiB
1175 lines
43 KiB
var answer_cache = new Array();
var ismark_cache = false;
var time = 0;
$(function () {
$(".link").unbind("click").bind("click", function () {
content: "您确定退出系统吗?",
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GetQuestion(Id, LibraryId);
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var question = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tag");// $("#hdQuestionId").val();
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if (Type != 1) {
UpdateExamAnswer(Id, question, type);
GetQuestion(Id, LibraryId, prevType, prevId);
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var question = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tag");
var type = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("ty");
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UpdateExamAnswer(Id, question, type);
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var question = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tag");
var type = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("ty");
if (Type != 1) {
UpdateExamAnswer(Id, question, type);
GetQuestion(Id, LibraryId, nextType, nextId);
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location.href = "/Student/Cert/CertEntrance?charpterID=" + charpterID;
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} else {
function GetPaperDetailList(Id, LibraryId, questionType, pageIndex, questionTypeId, optAsync) {
var question = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tag");
var type = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tyid");
var type3 = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("ty");
var type2 = $("#hdQuestionType").val();
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var Type = $.getUrlParam("type");
if (Type != 1) {
UpdateExamAnswer(Id, question, type3);
var async = true;
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$(".caption-switch-con > span").removeClass("on");
$(".caption-switch-con > span[name='type_" + questionTypeId + "']").addClass("on");
if (optAsync != undefined) {
async = optAsync;
url: "/Student/EheoryExamine/GetPaperDetailList",
async: false,
type: "POST",
data: {
questionType: questionType,
pageIndex: pageIndex,
Id: Id,
LibraryId: LibraryId
success: function (data) {
//if (!$.checkSignIn(data)) return;
var LibraryId = $.getUrlParam("LibraryId");
var charpterID = $.getUrlParam("charpterID");
var Number = 0;
if (data != null && data != "") {
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$("#li_name").html("姓 名:" + name).attr("title", data.UserName);
$("#li_subject").html("试卷名称:" + data.PaperName).attr("title", data.PaperName);
$("#li_examtime").html("考试时间:" + data.strTime);
var title = $(".pracTitle").html();
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if (charpterID == 13 || charpterID == 14) {
$("#li_subject").html("考试科目:" + data.PaperName);
} else {
$("#li_subject").html("考试科目:" + data.PaperName);
var QID = 0;
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html += " mistake ";
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html += " mistake2 ";
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html += " mistake2 ";
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html += " ico-sign ";
html += "\" >";
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html += "<i></i>";
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html += "<strong onclick=\"javascript:UpdateExamAnswer(" + Id + "," + dom.Id + "," + dom.StructType + ");GetQuestion(" + Id + "," + LibraryId + "," + dom.StructType + "," + dom.Id + ")\">";
} else {
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GetPaperDetailList(Id,questionType, (pageIndex + 1), true);
function GetQuestion(PaperId, LibraryId,questionType, questionId) {
if (questionId != undefined && questionId==-1) {
questionId = $("#FirstQuestionId").val();
url: "/Student/EheoryExamine/GetQuestion",
type: "POST",
async: false,
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: false,
questionType: questionType,
questionId: questionId,
PaperId: PaperId,
LibraryId: LibraryId
success: function (data) {
// if (!$.checkSignIn(data)) return;
var num;
if(data != null && data != ""){
var Type = $.getUrlParam("type");
if (data.Flag) {
var question = data.Data;
$(".item-info ul").html("");
if (data.StructType == 1) {
var html1 = "";
$.each(question.OptionList, function (i, item) {
html1 += " <li><label><input value=" + (i) + " type='radio' name='answer' >" + GetAnswerStr(i) + "</label><input type='text' disabled='disabled' class='inputtext' style='overflow:hidden' title='" + item.OptionName + "' value='" + item.OptionName + "' /></li>";
$(".item-info ul").html(html1);
} else if (data.StructType == 2) {
var html2 = "";
$.each(question.OptionList, function (i, item) {
html2 += " <li><label><input value=" + (i) + " type='checkbox' name='answer'>" + GetAnswerStr(i) + "</label><input type='text' disabled='disabled' style='overflow:hidden' class='inputtext' title='" + item.OptionName + "' value='" + item.OptionName + "' /></li>";
$(".item-info ul").html(html2);
} else if (data.StructType == 3) {
var html3 = "";
$.each(question.OptionList, function (i, item) {
html3 += " <li><label><input value=" + (i) + " type='radio' name='answer'>" + GetAnswerStr(i) + "</label><input type='text' disabled='disabled' style='overflow:hidden' class='inputtext' title='" + item.OptionName + "' value='" + item.OptionName + "' /></li>";
$(".item-info ul").html(html3);
} else if (data.StructType == 4) {
} else {
var LibraryId = $.getUrlParam("LibraryId");
var ty = "";
if (LibraryId == 1) {
if (question.AttachmentList != null) {
if (question.AttachmentList.length > 0) {
var html = "";
$.each(question.AttachmentList, function (i, item) {
if (i == 0) {
ty = "一";
} else if (i == 1) {
ty = "二";
} else if (i == 2) {
ty = "三";
var lastIndex = item.Name.lastIndexOf("\\");
var fullName = item.Name.substring(lastIndex + 1);
var _index = fullName.lastIndexOf(".");
var name = fullName.substring(0, _index);
html += " <a href=\"javascript:DownLoad('" + item.FileUrl + "','" + escape(name) + "','" + item.Id + "');\"><img src=\"/Content/images/text-icon.png\"><span>附件" + ty + "</span></a>";
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var Id = $.getUrlParam("Id");
var LibraryId = $.getUrlParam("LibraryId");
var type = $(".caption-switch-con > span[class='on']").attr("data-value");
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GetPaperDetailList(Id,LibraryId, data.StructType, 1, data.Current.Key, false);
} else {
var pageIndex = parseInt($("#hdQuestionPageIndex").val());
if ($("#li_question_" + data.Current.Value).length < 1) {
if ($("#li_question_" + data.Prev.Value).length > 0) {
GetPaperDetailList(Id,LibraryId, data.StructType, (pageIndex + 1), data.Current.Key, false);
} else {
if ($("#li_question_" + data.Next.Value).length > 0) {
GetPaperDetailList(Id,LibraryId, data.StructType, (pageIndex - 1), data.Current.Key, false);
$("#question_list_content > li").removeClass("mistake2");
$("#li_question_" + data.Current.Value).addClass("mistake2");
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if (data.Answers2 != null && data.Answers2.length!=0) {
$(data.Answers2).each(function (index, dom) {
} else {
} else {
var checked = "";
answer_cache = new Array();
if (data.StructType == 1 || data.StructType == 2 || data.StructType == 3) {
if (data.Answers != null && data.Answers.length > 0) {
$(data.Answers).each(function (index, dom) {
$("input[name='answer'][value='" + dom + "']").attr("checked", true);
checked += GetAnswerStr(dom);
$("#isMark").attr("checked", data.IsMark);
ismark_cache = data.IsMark;
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if (data.Topic == null || data.Topic == "") {
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content: data.ErrorMsg,
success: function () {
location.href = "/Student/Index";
cancle: function () {
location.href = "/Student/Index";
} else {
dialogHelper.Error({ content: data.ErrorMsg });
} else {
dialogHelper.Error({ content: data.ErrorMsg });
$(".li_question_" + questionId).addClass("mistake2");
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var LibraryId = $.getUrlParam("LibraryId");
if (LibraryId == 1) {
if (data.analyse != null && data.analyse!="") {
var type = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("ty");
if (type == 1 || type == 2 || type == 3 ) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
if (data.analyse != null && data.analyse != "") {
} else {
if (data.StructType == 1 || data.StructType == 2 || data.StructType == 3) {
var check = "";
$.each(data.answer, function (i, n) {
check += GetAnswerStr(n);
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function UpdateExamAnswer(Id, question, nextType,bo) {
var Type = $.getUrlParam("type");
if (Type != 1) {
if (!VerificationHelper.checkFrom("tiankongAnswer")) {
return false;
var LibraryId = $.getUrlParam("LibraryId");
var check_answer_flag = true;
var check_ismark_flag = true;
var strAnswer = "";
$("input[name='answer']").each(function (index, dom) {
if ($(dom).attr("checked")) {
strAnswer += $(dom).val();
strAnswer += ",";
if ($("#TextContent").val() != "") {
strAnswer = $("#TextContent").val();
strAnswer = htmlEncode(strAnswer);
//strAnswer = strAnswer.replace(/[<>&"]/g, function (c) { return { '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&', '"': '"', '"': '"', "'": '′', "'": '′' }[c]; });
var arr = [];
if (nextType == 1 || nextType == 2 || nextType==3) {
if (strAnswer.lastIndexOf(",") > -1) {
strAnswer = strAnswer.substring(0, strAnswer.lastIndexOf(","));
if (strAnswer.length > 0) {
arr = strAnswer.split(',');
} else {
if (strAnswer.length > 0) {
arr = strAnswer;
if (answer_cache.length == arr.length) {
$(arr).each(function (index, dom) {
if (answer_cache[index] != undefined) {
if (answer_cache[index] != parseInt(dom)) {
check_answer_flag = false;
} else {
check_answer_flag = false;
var isMark = $("#isMark").attr("checked") == "checked";
if (ismark_cache != isMark) {
check_ismark_flag = false;
if (check_answer_flag && check_ismark_flag) {
question = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tag");
url: "/Student/EheoryExamine/UpdateExamAnswer",
type: "POST",
async: false,
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: false,
strAnswer: strAnswer,
isMark: isMark,
Id: Id,
QuestionId: question,
Type: nextType,
LibraryId: LibraryId
success: function (data) {
//if (!$.checkSignIn(data)) return;
if (strAnswer.length > 0) {
$("#li_question_" + $("#hdQuestionId").val()).addClass("mistake")
} else {
$("#li_question_" + $("#hdQuestionId").val()).removeClass("mistake")
SetMark($("#hdQuestionType").val(),$("#hdQuestionId").val(), $("#isMark").attr("checked") == "checked");
if (!data.Flag) {
dialogHelper.Error({ content: data.ErrorMsg });
// $("#TextContent").val("");
function GetAnswerStr(index) {
var result = "";
switch (index) {
case 0:
result = "A";
case 1:
result = "B";
case 2:
result = "C";
case 3:
result = "D";
case 4:
result = "E";
case 5:
result = "F";
case 6:
result = "G";
case 7:
result = "H";
case 8:
result = "I";
case 9:
result = "J";
return result;
function CheckExam(LibraryId) {
var Id = $.getUrlParam("Id");
var question = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tag");
var type = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("ty");
UpdateExamAnswer(Id, question, type,true);
url: "/Student/EheoryExamine/CheckExamQuestion",
type: "POST",
async: false,
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: false,
ExamPaperId: Id,
LibraryId: LibraryId
success: function (data) {
// if (!$.checkSignIn(data)) return;
var error = "";
if (data.radioNum > 0) {
error += "您还有" + data.radioNum + "道题未完成,";
error += "确认提交试卷?<br>";
content: error,
success: function () {
if (data.Flag) {
content: "考试尚未结束,确认提交试卷?",
success: function () {
} else {
if (data.ErrorCode != undefined) {
if (data.ErrorCode == 404 || data.ErrorCode == "404") {
content: data.ErrorMsg,
success: function () {
location.href = "/Student/EheoryExamine/Index";
cancle: function () {
location.href = "/Student/EheoryExamine/Index";
} else {
dialogHelper.Error({ content: data.ErrorMsg });
} else {
function FinishExam(PaperId) {
var LibraryId = $.getUrlParam("LibraryId");
url: "/Student/EheoryExamine/FinishExam",
type: "POST",
async: false,
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: false,
PaperId: PaperId,
LibraryId: LibraryId
success: function (data) {
//if (!$.checkSignIn(data)) return;
if (data.Flag) {
content: "试卷提交成功!",
success: function () {
if (LibraryId==1) {
location.href = "/Student/EheoryExamine/AlreadyEheoryExamine";
} else {
var charpterID = $.getUrlParam("charpterID");
location.href = "/Student/Cert/CertEntrance?charpterID=" + charpterID;
cancle: function () {
if (LibraryId == 1) {
location.href = "/Student/EheoryExamine/AlreadyEheoryExamine";
} else {
var charpterID = $.getUrlParam("charpterID");
location.href = "/Student/Cert/CertEntrance?charpterID=" + charpterID;
} else {
dialogHelper.Error({ content: "系统出错,请联系管理员!" });
function SetMark(questionType, questionId, flag) {
if (flag) {
$("#li_question_" + questionId).addClass("ico-sign");
$("#li_question_" + questionId).prepend("<i></i>");
} else {
$("#li_question_" + questionId).removeClass("ico-sign");
$("#li_question_" + questionId + " > i").remove();
function GetQuestionType(type) {
var typename = ""
if(String(type) == 1){
typename = "单选题";
} else if(String(type) == 2){
typename = "多选题";
} else if(String(type) == 3){
typename = "判断题";
} else if (String(type) == 4) {
typename = "综合题";
return typename;
function GetTypeId(type) {
var typename = ""
if (String(type) == "单选题") {
typename =1 ;
} else if (String(type) == "多选题") {
typename = 2;
} else if (String(type) == "判断题") {
typename = 3;
} else if (String(type) == "填空题") {
typename = 4;
} else {
typename = 5;
return typename;
function IsMark(value) {
var questionType = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tyid");
var questionId = $("#question_list_content .mistake2").attr("tag");
var Id = $.getUrlParam("Id");
if ($(value).attr("checked") == "checked") {
$("#li_question_" + questionId).addClass("ico-sign");
$("#li_question_" + questionId).prepend("<i></i>");
// UpdateExamAnswer(Id, questionId, questionType);
// GetQuestion(Id, nextType, nextId);
} else {
$("#li_question_" + questionId).removeClass("ico-sign");
$("#li_question_" + questionId + " > i").remove();
function daojishi(Id) {
time = 2 * 60 * 60;
var flag = true;
time = GetTimes(false, Id);
window.setInterval(function () {
if (time >= 0) {
var hh = parseInt(time / 60 / 60 % 24, 10); //计算剩余的小时数
var mm = parseInt(time / 60 % 60, 10); //计算剩余的分钟数
var ss = parseInt(time % 60, 10); //计算剩余的秒数
$("#strTimes").html(hh + ":" + checkTime(mm) + ":" + checkTime(ss));
time = time - 1;
} else {
if (flag) {
flag = false;
// UpdateExamAnswer();
var Id = $.getUrlParam("Id");
}, 1000);
window.setInterval("GetTimes(true," + Id + ")", 1 * 60 * 1000);
function GetTimes(async, Id) {
var LibraryId = $.getUrlParam("LibraryId");
url: "/Student/EheoryExamine/GetExamTimes",
type: "POST",
async: async,
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: false,
Id: Id,
LibraryId: LibraryId
success: function (data) {
//if (!$.checkSignIn(data)) return;
if (data != null && data != "") {
time = data;
return time;
function checkTime(i) {
if (i < 10) {
i = "0" + i;
return i;
* 登出系统
function SignOut() {
content: msgList["20002"],
success: function () {
location.href = "/SignIn/SignOut";
* 修改密码
function ChangePwd() {
$("#popChangePassword .btn-close").unbind("click").click(function () {
$("#popChangePassword .warn-box").remove()
function DownLoad(path, name, Id) {
location.href = "/Student/EheoryExamine/DownloadFile?path=" + encodeURIComponent(path)+ "&name=" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "&randomId=" + Math.random();
function LookOver(Id) {
var LibraryId = $.getUrlParam("LibraryId");
url: "/Student/EheoryExamine/GetPaperDetail",
async: false,
type: "POST",
data: {
Id: Id,
LibraryId: LibraryId
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data != "") {
if (data.QuestionTypes != null && data.QuestionTypes.length > 0) {
var htmll = "";
var AllNumber = 0;
var YesNumber = 0;
var fengshu=0;
$(data.QuestionTypes).each(function (index, dom) {
var str = dom.strIdList.split(',');
for (var s = 0; s < str.length;s++){
$(data.Details).each(function (i, n) {
if (n.StructTypeId == str[s]) {
AllNumber = Number(AllNumber) + 1;
$(data.PUserAnswerResult).each(function (a, b) {
if (b.QuestionTypeId == str[s]) {
if (b.Result == 2) {
YesNumber = Number(YesNumber) + 1;
fengshu = Number(fengshu) + Number(b.UserScore);
htmll += "<tr >";
htmll += "<td style='border:1px solid gray'>" + dom.TypeName + "</td>";
if (dom.TypeName == "单选题" || dom.TypeName == "多选题" || dom.TypeName == "判断题") {
htmll += "<td style='border:1px solid gray'><span style='Color:red'>" + YesNumber + "</span>/" + AllNumber + "</td>";
htmll += "<td style='border:1px solid gray'><span style='Color:red'>——</td>";
htmll += "<td style='border:1px solid gray'>" + fengshu + "</td>";
htmll += "<td style='border:1px solid gray' rowspan='" + data.QuestionTypes.length + "' ><span style='Color:red'>" + data.ExamPagerScore + "</span></td>";
htmll += "</tr>";
AllNumber = 0;
YesNumber = 0;
fengshu = 0;
} else {
content: "没有找到该试卷!", success: function () {
location.href = "/Student/EheoryExamine/AlreadyEheoryExamine";