You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//理论成绩----成绩评定 第二层
$(function () {
var PaperId = $.getUrlParam("PaperId");
// var ExamName = unescape($.getUrlParam("ExamName"));//获取考试名
var ExamName = escape($.getUrlParam("ExamName"))
url: "/Teacher/Value/GetClassListByPaperId",
Id: "#SelClass",
value: "全部",
data: { PaperId: PaperId }
$("#btnSearch").unbind("click").click(function () {
var TypeId = "";
//var KeyWord = "";
var type = $("#SelClass").val();
if (parseInt(type) != 0) {
TypeId = type;
LoadResultEvaluate(PaperId, TypeId);
$("#btnReturn").unbind("click").click(function () {
location.href = "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/ResultList";
var ExamName = unescape($.getUrlParam("ExamName"));
$("#ExamName").text(ExamName).attr('title', ExamName);
// $("#ExamName").html(unescape(ExamName));
function LoadResultEvaluate(PaperId,classId) {
url: "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/LoadStudentDetial",
type: "POST",
pageDiv: "#ResultPage",
data: {
rId: Math.random()
bind: function (data) {
var html = "";
$(data.Data).each(function (index, dom) {
var trHtml = "";
trHtml += "<tr>";
trHtml += "<td><div title=\"{0}\" class=\"ellipsis\" >{0}</div></td>";
trHtml += "<td><div title=\"{1}\" class=\"ellipsis\">{1}</div></td>";
trHtml += "<td><div title=\"{2}\" class=\"ellipsis\">{2}</div></td>";
trHtml += "<td><div title=\"{3}\" class=\"ellipsis\" >{3}</div></td>";
trHtml += "<td class=\"time\"><span>{4}</span></td>";
trHtml += "<td class=\"operate\">";
trHtml += "<a class=\"spr spr-edit\" title=\"评分\" href=\"javascript:EditResultList({6},{7});\"></a>";
trHtml += "</td>";
trHtml += "</tr>";
html += StringHelper.FormatStr(trHtml,
dom.ClassName, //0 班级名
dom.StuUserName, //1 姓名
dom.SchoolNumber, //2 学号
dom.StatusName, //3状态
dom.UnScoredCount, //4 未评题量
dom.Id, //5 Id
dom.ExamPaperId, //6 试卷Id
dom.UserId //用户id
function EditResultList(PaperId, UserId) {
window.location.href = "/Teacher/TheoryQuestion/ResultPaperRevise?PaperId=" + PaperId + "&UserId=" + UserId + "&ExamName=" +escape($.getUrlParam("ExamName"));